
Sunday, February 15, 2015


Sorry to be such a tease the last few days about what was going on.  2nd Man didn't get to see the end result until Saturday and he wanted to be surprised.  I didn't want to put pictures on the blog that he might be tempted to look at.  

One of the biggest things on our list of things to do at the farm, was get a barn/workshop/storage building.  Without much storage space in the house (it's 900 square feet) we need space to put the stuff that doesn't belong.  There is no shed, no garage, not even a place to put any of the items that don't belong in the house.  With a large yard and property and all its accompanying tools and products, it can get out of hand quickly.  Weedeater leaning up against the fridge?  Paint and chemicals on the shelf next to food?  Auger on the dining room table?  It just doesn't work, LOL.

Well, somehow, someway, the stars aligned for us and we had to make the decision quickly.  Either do it now or wait until later...we felt the best decision was to do it now.

On Thursday morning, I took the day off and drove out to the farm.  Two trucks showed up carrying all the materials.

They unloaded and started building.  Seeing it all laid out made it look like a big complicated puzzle.

They built the various parts in sections and painted them right there on site.  It was pretty efficient actually.

By lunchtime, it looked like a real barn!  A BIG real barn!

When the rafters went up, it was almost a blink and you miss it moment.

Then the roof went on (this is from the back side) and it was getting to be toward the end of the day.
Red barn at sunset
So at the end of day one, as the sun set behind the mesquite and the guys left for the day, we had a barn up!  Without doors of course but hey, it's a barn!  

Part two this afternoon, so you won't have to wait!  

There is more to see...


  1. All I can say is O.M.G. That is stunning and it looks like it belongs. Wow, you both must be so excited. Katie

  2. I remember in the past you've posted on your inspiration day where you posted pictures of red barns. You have one of your inspirations for real! Yay for you. :)

    1. Good memory, yep, we've posted the red and white buildings and barns several times. That's what our inspiration posts are for, things we want to do. This one came true!

  3. That sunset picture is beautiful. My cousin's husband and a friend built a large workshop/storage building/shed for the same reason you did. We went for a visit and my husband had the idea to build him an 'elevator' so he would be able to get builky, heavy things up top to store them. They left a hole in the floor up there and my husband hung an electric hoist, made a platform with edges to keep things put, hung the platform from the hoist, and put switches upstairs and down to control the whole thing. It works like a charm. It didn't cost much, either. Since you two plan to retire to the farm, think how it will be in the future when you can no longer safely carry bulky, heavy items.

    1. Brilliant idea, you are great. Thank you for the idea. We do need to remember the future as we get older it would be nice to have these things planned out. I like that idea. Thanks again!!

  4. I LOVE it! It is just perfect for your Farm. The barn-at-sunset picture is gorgeous - you gotta take one just like it when the barn is finished and frame it.

    1. Thanks, I was kinda impressed with that photo too when I saw it, ha. It was accidentally gorgeous, ha. Will definitely do that the next time we're out there at sunset. Thanks!!

  5. Beautiful. So glad for you two.

  6. I've been following your journey on your blog, and these pics are gorgeous! So happy for both of you.

    1. Well thank you very much for letting us know. Very kind of you! ;-)

  7. Wow! Looks really good. You will enjoy having that there.

    1. Yes, it will help out tremendously....thanks!!!

  8. A RED BARN! Nothing says farm like a red barn. Congratulations!!!!
    Beautiful isn't it?

  9. Very American! The sunset photo is gorgeous!

    1. Something iconically American about it huh? Thank you!

  10. Squeeeee!!! You have a barn!! It is amazing. How big is it? Where did you order it? GAH!! I can't wait for part 2 so I can know the details. I am sooo happy for y'all :)

    1. Ha! Thanks! Big one is 16x24. It's a Tuffshed. Part two was earlier this evening and tomorrow more pics.

  11. Well that's a rather BIG thing off the list!! Well done. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

    1. It is, and was further down the list but as I said, it all worked out where we could get it, get the right financing and just get it done. It was the right time of year too. It just worked out. And speaking of, I need to go back and cross this off the list. :-)

  12. Looks great! I'm interested in knowing who did the work as well. We need an outbuilding or two ourselves.

    1. This was Tuffshed...they usually have a set up in Home Depot parking lots. They were very professional from all aspects of the process. And the quality seems very nice at this point. I understand that in different parts of the country, different offices might have issues, but for the most part, we have a good one here in this part of the state. I checked with the local BBB and read HD reviews and did some googling. We felt comfortable with them. Hope that helps!

  13. Hi two men,

    I stumbled across your blog while looking for photos of a bright red house (because I'm thinking of painting my new home bright red and needed some confirmation that I'm not crazy). Did you end up painting your house red? Are there pictures of it somewhere on your blog?

    Also, I love what I've seen so far so I'm signing up!


    1. Well, first of all, thank you and WELCOME!!! Secondly, nope haven't gotten around to painting the house yet, that could very well on next year's agenda. Roof if first, then possibly a new bathroom and then we'll work on the exterior. But we're still doing it red. In fact, going to use the same colors as for the barn and shed. We just think it would be so nice to have a barn red house and then have the outbuildings match.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you'll hang around. I post pretty much every day, a miscellany of things, food, garden, random fun finds, just stuff like that. We still live in town and work full time (that helps us pay for fixing up the farm). We're probably still a few years away from being out there full time but it's fun working toward that goal. Thanks!!! Ask questions anytime!!

  14. Red barn + red house = Amazeballs! Can't wait to see it!

    My cottage (in the southern Gulf Islands, so I'm way north of you) is aubergine with lime green trim right now, courtesy of the previous owners. If I get it painted before you get to yours I'll send pictures.

    I have friends in northern Alberta who have a farm (completely off-grid on the edge of the Grizzly Trail; they have moose wading in their pond). Like you, though, they still have to live in the city and work full time to support their farming habit. It's not easy but I know it will all be worth it, for them and you, when you finally get to enjoy all your sunrises and sunsets right there on the land.


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