
Sunday, March 29, 2015


So after working outside all day, I came home to my special birthday dinner and I promised to share the details.  I told 2nd Man I'd love to have lasagna.  Do you know that in all these years, he's never made a lasagna?  I know, weird huh?  We've eaten it many times of course, at restaurants or various friends dinners, but for some reason, he's just never made one at home.  I asked if he was going to look up a recipe and he said no, he'd just make it up.  So he went to the store, roamed around for ingredients and came back and made this... 

It was a huge pan of lasagna full of cheese and meat sauce and pasta...all from scratch and hot and bubbly when I walked in the door.

Unbeknownst to me, he also made a pound cake (one of my faves) and had it hot and fresh out of the oven.

We tried a new sparking wine (really a champagne but can't be called that because it's not from Champagne, France).  This is a California fizzy wine with added almond essence.  It was pretty good.  A bit sweet but different than champagne and actually a nice compliment to the dinner.
Closeup of lasagna....OMG it was heaven on a plate.  Since he just made it up on the fly, I need to get him to recite the recipe to me so we can write it down.  

Pound Cake
This is a slice of the pound cake.  I might be biased but I swear it's the best pound cake ever.  He's got that recipe committed to memory, but he tells me it has a couple of secret ingredients...I think that means I'm not sure if I'll be able to drag that one out of him, LOL!

After the perfect day and the perfect weather this was the perfect meal.

Today, as this posts, it's back to the farm to start building some flower beds at the front of the garden and around the house.  


  1. Does 2nd Man cater? That looks so good! What a wonderful meal to celebrate.

  2. what a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday... is there anything better than good old fashioned homemade food... the lasagna and cake look fabulous!

    1. Hey there! Nice to see you, thank you, and coming form you with your amazing food, that means a lot!

  3. Food looks delicious. Oh and, Happy Birthday!

  4. The food looks fantastic!! Glad you were spoiled on your birthday. ;-)

    1. Hey, at least once a year is good, right? Ha!!

  5. wow...i wish someone would cook for me like that! it looks fabulous!!! good job #2 and happy BD again #1!

    1. LOL! Thank you!!!! You cook all sorts of amazing stuff, we just need to get someone to do it for you! Thanks for the wishes!!

  6. Yummers... what a nice BDay dinner :O) ..... PS I decided to order those road side lilies too..

    1. Yay! I ordered mine yesterday. We'll see what happens!!

  7. 2nd Man made that scrumptious lasagna - from scratch - without a recipe?! Give that Man a blue ribbon - he is a genius in the kitchen! The pound cake looks so delicious, too. What a beautiful birthday dinner to come home to after a long day working at the Farm!

    1. Yep, he said "how hard can it be?" and he made a meat sauce, a ricotta mixture, got cheese and lasagna noodles, and put it all together. It was amazing. It was very nice and after being outside all day, it was a welcome dinner for sure!

  8. YUM! That had to have been the perfect meal- especially made just for you! Happy Birthday!

    1. Itw as!! Thank you and thanks for stopping by too!!!

  9. Yum. Love in every ingredient, in every step, and in every bite.

    1. Well that's a sweet thing to say. Definitely!!! Thanks!

  10. Does he have an older brother who cooks? I had never made lasagna until last year when I was 67! I love lasagna, just never made it.. That looks so delicious. You were certainly treated well on your birthday.

    1. LOL! He does have an older brother, ha. Not sure if he cooks like this though. :-)

      Thank you!!!! Much appreciated!!

  11. Oooo! You were spoilt & I am sure you deserved it!
    I am still sure 2nd man is a chef!!

  12. Oh yum, yum! Can he come to Indiana and cook my birthday dinner? (Of course you have to come too!)

  13. oh 1st Man - when i saw the first pic and then saw the second pic of cake i was all like"oh dang! i need a pic of an actual piece of that lasagna"! i was going to leave a comment DEMANDING a pic of a piece of lasagna - bahahahah! but you did put up a pic of a piece and what a nice looking piece of said lasagna!!! i love lasagna and i could eat it every. single. day.

    now i am hungry. and want lasagna. the cake looks awesome too! i am glad that you had such a lovely birthday dinner. i neeeeeed some lasagna!!!

    much love to you both! your friend,

    1. Hey a little food porn is always a good thing, right? I love that we thought alike. Actually the first post I was writing just had the whole things and that was it and then something told me I should put up the served pieces too. I guess that was "you" sending those thoughts. :-)

      Tell Jam to make you a lasagna!!

  14. Does 2nd Man have a brother? :D

    1. Ha, that's the second brother request, LOL!!!! He does, but I'm thinking he's not quite the same in the kitchen. :-)

  15. 1st Man,

    2nd Man outdid himself with your Birthday dinner. Lasagna, pound cake, and and champagne.......
    He's a keeper :-)
    Hugs to both of you!!!
    Your Friend,

    P.S. Would you consider sharing your pound cake recipe??

  16. It's good to be spoiled, isn't it? Happy Birthday!

  17. You were spoiled rotten,

  18. Lasagna looks delish and must say that 2nd man really out done himself; making lasagna and pound cake.
    We just had lasagna the other day. In fact I made 2; one to eat and the other I put in the freezer to have for another day. Lasagna; using my very own homemade spaghetti sauce, along with some homemade bread sticks and tossed salad...very simple but delicious meal.
    That pound cake looks wonderful. I wouldn't mind having the recipe for it.........Please
    2nd man; you done good.


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