
Sunday, March 8, 2015


Don't be Fuelish, vintage poster image courtesy of
This WWII poster is similar to another I posted a few months back.  This too urged citizens to save make ammunition for the war effort.  This one is from the UK and the people do NOT look happy with the man leaving the door open.  As my Dad might have said, were you born in a barn?  LOL!

We just don't want to wast fuel today, matter what it's used for.

Hope your weekend is going well.  We have had an inch of rain and it's in the 40's.  Just staying in today.  Will catch up on comments this afternoon.


  1. LOL, I guess some things are the same from one end of the world to the other. My dad you to say the same thing! Great poster too.

    1. that is too cool huh? Maybe there is something universal about Dad sayings, ha.

  2. My father also used that phrase. I think it must have appeared in the 'hand-book for fathers'.
    Stay warm, stay dry.

    1. Ha, that's just so fascinating! You are right, there might just be a secret handbook huh? One of the world's great mysteries...

  3. My parents also told me the same thing - Were you born in a barn? :)
    So I learned conservation from early on.

    You got more rain that I did - just half an inch here. But tomorrow’s forecast to be another rainy day. Gotta get that soil moisture for spring planting!

    Love your pun in the caption!

    1. We're just at about an inch and a quarter. Tomorrow supposed to be bad. Of course they are wrong as much as right, ha. Yep, at least the ground will be soft for working. And hoping the dewberries will be great.

  4. Oh! I despise the guy who doesn't shut the door!! :)

    1. LOL! Hey you!!! Where have you been? Missed ya! I understand about the door thing, especially when you're off grid like you!!

  5. Replies
    1. It's universal in a way isn't it? And come on, I bet you've used it, right? ;-)

  6. OH, and let's not forget the saying "were you born in a barn?" for whistling in the house, too.

  7. I love seeing these old posters.
    Oh, my dad used to say the same thing.
    Another favorite of my dad's sayings; you don't shut the barn door after the horse is gone. Actually we would shut the barn door but our horse always managed to undue the latch.

    1. Oh yeah, I've heard that too....and you know, they all have some things in common in their origin huh?

  8. We burn wood for our heat and I'm always worried we won't have enough dry wood to make it through winter. On the other hand, it is hard to regulate the temperature sometimes, so we do open the door to cool things down a bit if the fire get too hot. Just to let you know, I found you via Tramp's Camp. I can see why she included you on the list. - Margy

    1. Well hello!! And thanks!! I visited you as well. Thank you for commenting!!! And thanks for the sweet words. I like that you use wood, it's so natural and even primal in a way. Seems like something that harkens back to an earlier time.

      Come back soon!!!


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