
Saturday, March 14, 2015


Well it's about dang time!

After last week of cold and then rain Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and yes, again Thursday and part of the day Friday, it's finally nice!

Of course "J" from 2nd Family tells us that it's "a muddy, mucky mess out there" but I'm determined to get more stuff done.  Biggest priority this weekend is getting the beehives primed and painted.  We HAVE to get them ready, the bees come to their new home(s) on April 17th, whether we are ready or not. 

So planning the spot for the hives, building the beds around them, getting them painted and in place, etc, that's all got to be done.  If I can at least get them painted this weekend (two coats), that will be job well done 
(and one more thing scratched off the list!)  

Then some weed pulling in the garden, possibly the beginnings of a flower bed in front of the garden and a few inside projects...then I'll roam around taking pictures.  We understand from 2nd Family that there just might be some new additions to their animal menagerie (and the neighbors' too!).  

We hope you have a wonderful weekend doing what makes you happy!


  1. It's rubber boots time on the farm.

  2. Today, we have a bit of rain leftover from what has drifted up from your way. Then, Sunday we will have sun. Yay! I cannot wait to see your painted hives. With the farm next door, you get the benefits of different animals--sweet. Just look over the fence.

    1. We love our 'neighbor' animals. I'll have pics soon. It's all looking good so far...slow but sure.

  3. Send some of that rain over here. Please.
    I am really, really excited about your bee project (yes I know, I need a life of my own).

    1. I wish I could...I know weather is a fickle thing isn't it? And please no worries, I love that you are interested in the bees...that's why we do this blog, to share and hopefully create something interesting, ha.

  4. And here I was crowing over 61 degrees! Ah well, not too bad for Indiana in March.

    I'm SO jealous of your bee hives!

    1. More on them soon but they are painted (except for a trim I need to do). Enjoy your weather.

  5. Oh I wish we would have some nice weekends here in England.

    1. Hey you!!! Nice to hear from you! You'll have some good weather soon I'm sure!!! And when we are 110 in the summer, it will be nice for you there I'm sure too, ha.

  6. I am so very glad that we are all having better weather, and getting outside once again!

    1. One day outside, today was a bust, ha. thank you for stopping by!!!

  7. It was wonderful seeing the sun again. I went out and just sat on a bench by my garden and soaked up the rays.
    It will be a great weekend at your Farm. And new animals on top of that!
    Your bees will be ‘amazzzed’ when they arrive at their beautiful new home!

    1. How was your day today? It was not nice at the farm. Weird. "Amazzzed", love it!!

  8. Hurrah for nice weather! I envy your being able to work in the garden. Ours is a mud pit at present. :(

    1. Well, ours turned out to be a mud pit too...nice weather saturday but wet....then Sunday, cold and wet and more water in the garden today. I had to give up for the weekend. But at least the hives are painted, ha.


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