
Friday, March 13, 2015


A while back, I mentioned that I cleaned out one of the storage units that had stuff from my parents in it.  I got it cleaned out (yay) and here is the end result, an empty storage unit.  I should have had a before photo but at one point it was full, front to back, top to bottom.  A lot was donated, some just had to be thrown away and some ended up at the farm.  I won't bore you with every little thing, but I will share a few of the fun discoveries.  A lot of this is stuff that my parents had collected over the years while visiting flea markets and thrift stores so while they aren't necessarily family heirlooms, they are, in a way, part of the family and we're glad to have them.

I found these two metal trays with flower images.  I think they were TV trays once upon a time but there was no stand with them.  Still we think they would make great trays for using around the farm, serving drinks, food, etc?  Thoughts?

I'm not sure what you call these...they are maybe the old equivalent of a mass produced print that you might find nowadays.  We decided to keep it and will hang it in the guest room.  The flowering trees and peaceful nature of the scenery just seemed fitting.

OK...this might seem odd to keep but we want to find a use for it.  It's an old goldfish bowl/aquarium.  I'm not exactly sure what to do with it, but we just loved it when we found it in a box.  Ideas?

This one is a definite keeper.  It's an old, VERY old, Coca Cola bottle opener.  The kind that you mount on the wall or edge of a counter.  Now to find just the right spot for it at the farm.  On the porch perhaps?  

Part two in a future post!


  1. i love all of your finds! those trays are perfect for serving drinks out under your tree! and the bottle opener would be perfect on the porch. can't wait to see what else you found. i think i need to do a bit of thrifting. i miss it!

  2. The trays are so pretty! I would hang them on the wall but use them as well for serving trays. The fish bowl can hold collections of small things like shells, bottle caps, corks. You can see all of them! I would hang the bottle opener on the door frame close by an exit. Drop those bottle caps into the fish bowl.
    The picture is similar to the one my grandparents hung on my bedroom wall growing up. It was so relaxing to look at that I would imagine myself being there as I fell asleep at night.

  3. Your fish tank would be good to plant some cactus in.

  4. Those things bring back memories. I have a tray much like the two you have, but mine is black with mostly red flowers. I keep it on edge in a pantry cabinet and bring it out occasionally to use for serving coffee in the dining room or drinks out on the screen porch. It's just the right size to carry a coffeepot and cups or pitcher and glasses for several people. You could use the fishbowl on the kitchen counter to hold utensils near the stove and save drawer space.

  5. This is exactly why we are trying to get rid of our 'stuff' before we die. Had to go thru this after my folks passed and it took weeks and renting dumpsters. At that time I swore I would never put my kids thru this,,,and guess what? We have more stuff than my folks ever had. TV trays and fish bowls,,...yep, that, too.

  6. for planting succulents / terrariums

    Use as Christmas décor by filling with old, colored Christmas ornament

    Add some sand and display some sea shells in it

    Add water and add some floating candles to put out on your farm porch

    Add water and go buy a goldfish

    Add some faux moss, bird nest faux plants / branches and maybe a couple birds for an natural artistic look

  7. I love the tv trays. Yes, they had folding legs which you may have thrown out not knowing what the were. Sometimes, people put those bottle openers on a tree where they gathered. I would either put on the porch or in the kitchen. I cannot wait to see what else you found.

  8. All of those finds look great. Your fish bowl would make a wonderful terrarium (spelling?).

  9. those are all nifty finds and i can't wait to see what else you discover! mount the trays in the kitchen but do be sure to use them! they will be beautiful using them to serve cold drinks outside in the warm months and also be beautiful using them to serve hot chocolate indoors in the colder months. i think the picture will be beautiful in the guest room. as for the fish bowl, there are so many good ideas mentioned here. what about finding small cloth bags or little jars/bottles and then asking your blog readers to send sand, seashells, dried moss, dried flowers from their specific locale and then marking each bag/bottle with what is inside and from where it came? that's kind of a cute idea.

    can't wait to see more. much love to you both! your friend,

  10. I initially thought terrarium too but I love Kymber's idea. I think it would need to be something you could see through though, maybe ziplock bags though that wouldn't be as pretty. I also loved the picture, so serene and peaceful. Is this another thing off the list or an extra? 😄

  11. Those gorgeous trays would make great porch side tables, or simple night stands. Buy or make a simple metal or wooden frame... they would be easy to wipe clean as needed as well. Put in a room with the picture, the three pieces would make it feel like spring all year round!

    Love Kymber's idea, you might also have folks include small sachets of fragrant herbs from their own gardens! It would also be a great place to keep interesting feathers you come across in your yard. I think you're spot on with your ideas for the bottle opener. =)

  12. Great finds! I'd use the goldfish bowl and plant some pretty succulents in it.

  13. The TV trays I would treat like framed art and hang in the kitchen or guest room along with the bottle opener and other timely pieces. I would dedicate one wall to the time when things were simple like in the 50's as it would be a good fit with your intended self-reliant lifestyle. Yes, I'm a lot older than you two and wish I could go back to the 50's :-)

  14. Ummm...our families must shop together. Ever spend time in Illinois? lol The 2 trays with flowers? I have an almost identical one to the one on the right. It's living in my closet right now. We have one of those coke bottle openers attached to a drawer in our kitchen. It is fun to unpack stuff you haven't been through in awhile and just remember times of old.

  15. I have a fish bowl exactly like that filled with seashells.

  16. I really like the print a lot, I think I would use the goldfish bowl as a sort of hurricane lamp: a big candle, some decorative stones....

  17. You have some real Finds there from your flea-market-shopping in your own storage unit! And creative ideas from everyone.
    I think the goldfish bowl would be great for homemade potpourri from your own flowers and herbs.

  18. FISH BOWL: I actually think that it is NOT a fish bowl. It appears to have a slanted side which would mean that it is a cookie jar that is just missing its lid. Your parents may have intended to make a new one out of wood. I have several (with no lids) that I use to store garlic, nuts, ginger roots, etc. looks great sitting on the counter even without lids.

    METAL TRAYS: How about using them to haul your goodies out to the trees as earlier suggested. But put magnets on the underside and when you are not using them attach to a metal door or refrigerator. If your tire of the flowers. Spray paint is a great idea too. How about bright colored gecko's or neon lizards to jazz up the place. A new meaning for refrigerator magnet appeal. Large yes... but very eye popping and cool too. After you've relaxed out under the trees, pop them back on the fridge.


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