
Thursday, March 12, 2015


Red barn with Dutch doors, photo image courtesy of
I'm posting two photos today, for some background.  

Since we already have this year's list more or less established and are slowly working through it, we are now thinking ahead to next year.  Near the top of next year's list is the exterior of the house house.  Painting, siding repair, porch railing, stairs doors. 

Recently, while perusing pictures of barns before we got our buildings, I found this image; a red barn with Dutch doors.  The doors got us curious so when we found the photo below, we realized that we'd love to have one.  We only have two doors on the house, the main front door, and the mudroom door so I'm not sure if we'd want something like this on both or just one.  Interesting side note, they were originally installed to keep the animals out of farmhouses and children in, and they also allowed air and a breeze in while keeping out the yard dirt and leaves.  In barns, they were used in a similar fashion, only to keep the animals in and then still get fresh air and a breeze coming into the barn. 

We definitely see a "Dutch Door" like the one below in our future...

White Dutch door, image via
Be inspired!

Mister Ed, the TV Show
UPDATE:  I was reminded today by FionaG (our friend from Australia) of a childhood show I enjoyed...Mister know you've heard that theme song at some point in your life...

"A horse is a horse of course of course..."

Perhaps that's something that has been in my psyche for years, the first time I ever saw a Dutch door...and now I can have one of my own.  

Minus the horse of course...of course...(sorry, couldn't resist)


  1. Synchronicity at it's best, we've been discussing a Dutch door as well; although in our case it's an interior door.

    1. OK, now this is funny, I had replied on another blog about a meal they made, that was almost identical to a meal we made last night and I said synchronicity....LOL! Synchronicity in synchronicity, ha.

      They would make nice interior doors in the right spot too. Awesome!!

  2. Gorgeous doors...especially on the barn. I can picture horses heads hanging out.

    1. Those barn doors are beautiful aren't they? Definitely horses need to be peeking out, ha.

  3. I have always loved dutch doors. Can't wait to see what you create.

    1. Well, it will be next year but we'll work on it. Should be neat...and our goal is to paint the exterior in the same colors as the barns.

  4. You can even make your own from the ones you have! So long as its a solid wood door & not hollow core.

    1. Wow, now that's interesting, I didn't think about that. I think ours are solid but I think they are metal. Well, I know one is metal for sure. I'll have to check.

  5. i saw a barn like this last spring on one of my road trips. i only have one dutch door and it is on my potting shed.

    1. Oh, I bet that was so pretty huh? I just love red barns. I'm glad we have ours finally, of course they are sheds and not actually real barns but it's the closest we can get and I'm happy, ha.

      A potting shed door like that is a great idea. On our someday list in a potting shed, I will have to remember that.

  6. I just love them but don't see them used much anymore. Shame. Wonder if they make screen doors for dutch doors.

    1. Hmm, interesting question. We'll have to remember that when the time comes.

      They don't seem to be as popular, maybe people just don't open the doors like they used to.

  7. They are gorgeous. I don't think I have seen anything like them here, except at stables. Which is sad. They have a heap of charm - and practicality.

    1. Definitely practical...and I like the description of a heap of charm! :-)

  8. You make me laugh! Talk about being a slave to your lists......for years!! We had a show here when I was a little'n called Mr Ed. It was probably an American show. It was about a talking horse and I love his barn door which was just like your photo. I especially like it in the second photo. We have screen doors here. They allow you to have your entire view, like the door was open, but keep out insects and animals alike.

    1. LOL! It's a never-ending thing isn't it? Will we ever retire and just enjoy? Ha. I guess we should do it now. OK, you totally caught me. I was a huge fan of Mister Ed, the TV show. When I was younger, it played on a nostalgia type channel here, they played all sorts of old programs and I liked it. I have edited the post to add that. ;-)

  9. Love Dutch doors, although never thought about having one in the house. One of my run-in shelters has a Dutch door. I latch the top half open all summer - keeps the air flowing nicely and the horses enjoy hanging their heads over.

    1. I think they are neat doors and a pretty brilliant solution...of course, I suppose a screen door works just as well but it would be kind of nice to just have it open like this...on nice days of course, ha. I bet horses love it!!

  10. Dutch doors aren't cheap but like Linda suggested, if you have a solid door you can make that into a Dutch door. If nothing else, check at Flea Markets Antique places, garage sales or maybe someone is tearing down an old house / buildings to where you can find old, solid doors which would be much cheaper than buying a new door.
    I think they also sell Retractable Screen Systems for Dutch doors.

    1. Awesome, thanks for the info. I like the idea of repurposing something too. Thanks for that idea. It's on next year's list so we've got time to decide, ha.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I thought I posted a comment, but maybe I just thought about posting a comment. Anyway, someone mentioned a screen door. You can buy screen that keeps out pollen, so it probably keeps out dust. It is expensive, and some screeners may already stock it. You might check it out before you have anything rescreened around your place if anyone has allergies or just don't want dust all over the inside.

    I have always wanted a Dutch door. Good idea.

  12. I just thought of another great place to check for good doors, and that is at Habitat for Humanity if you have a store near you. They have quite a variety of doors to choose from.
    Also a good place for door hinges, knobs, flooring,etc. Anything that you can imagine


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