
Saturday, March 28, 2015


On this 50th year plus one day of my life, I'm off to the farm...and the weather could not BE more perfect.  Sunny, clear, and cool.  It's a rare gift in this part of the state.  Usually we go from Winter to Monsoon to Summer.  Now it feels like we went from Winter to Monsoon to actual Spring!

Today's agenda is to mow and edge.  The Big Green Zen Machine (our John Deere mower) is back from the shop, tuned up, cleaned up, sharpened up and ready to mow another season.  With all this rain, the yard is CRAZY out of control.  I'll make sure to get lots of before and after pics.

Mowing is my zen machine experience, the edging, meh, not so much.  But it all has to get done because it just looks so crazy.

2nd Man is staying in town because he has to do some work but he's also going to make my belated birthday dinner (he couldn't do it last night because he was working and it was late when he got home so today is the day).  

I'll have an update blog post up later tonight and I'll start replying to all of your wonderful comments about my birthday!


  1. glad to hear you finally have a good weekend! we are bitterly cold here. i can't wait to hear what the special birthday diner is!

  2. We are expecting a freeze tonight. Two days ago, it was almost 80. I am determined not to turn on heat. Enjoy your zen and dinner.

    1. A FREEZE? dang people with snow and freezes, I forget it's not Spring, well Spring "weather" anyway, for everyone. Thank you!

  3. It's been snowing steadily here in central MA since sun-up...I guess the good news is, no mowing is necessary!
    Happy Birthday to you, and I hope you have a lovely dinner :)

    1. And another vote for snow. Wow. Y'all stay warm!!! Spring will come soon enough!!

  4. It's a "Goldilocks" day - sunny and not too cool and not too hot - just right! Made-to-order for your birthday weekend - enjoy!

    1. I love that description...definitely a goldilocks weekend altogether huh?

  5. What Texas Rose said! Enjoy your birthday dinner. =)

  6. Beautiful day here as well in my neck of the woods. Went out early this morning; &:30 in fact and finally called it a day at 1:30.
    We got our yard mowed and weed wacked Thursday for the 3rd time this year, so good job done for sure and makes everything around here looks so much better once the long grass (weeds) get their haircuts.
    Enjoy your birthday dinner.

    1. That is to say 7:30 am not &:30

    2. Doesn't is make things so much nicer? I drove up and saw it before and thought "oh crap, this looks HORRIBLE'. When I drove away and looked back after mowing and edging (edging makes a HUGE different around the house and buildings and such) I thought "wow, this looks amazing", ha.

  7. How lovely that Mother Nature saved up her nice weather for your birthday weekend. Have a wonderful day and enjoy that birthday dinner. Birthday dinners are something which crosses cultures aren't they? Something most of us remember and hopefully still receive...

    1. I never thought about it that way but you're right. First nice weekend in a couple of months. Perfect timing!!

      And yes, I love how things like this cross cultures and such. Kind of neat isn't it?

      Thank you!!

  8. Happy belated birthday, enjoy your belated birthday dinner - you must tell what was on the menu, and give that John Deere what for!

    1. I did give it a what for that's for sure! :-) Hopefully you saw the post with the food. It was yummy. Simple, but yummy.

  9. Have a fab Birthday dinner.

  10. Well, the happiest day to you. At fifty, you're just getting started.

  11. 1st Man,

    ~HA~ Gotta love those Zen Machines !!!

    1. They are so wonderful. I had a blast yesterday. Now the weedeater, that's not so zen, LOL!


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