
Saturday, May 16, 2015


Going to do some fence line clearing but as you can see in the lower corner of the picture, we have had rain...lots or rain...over 4 inches this week. 

But the clouds are building and getting dark and I think there will be more rain before the day is over.  We might have to just come back into town and give up for the weekend as there is still more rain in the forecast for tomorrow...but we'll see how much we can get done.


  1. Same here... I woke up at 5:30 this morning to the rain coming down really hard. It's been raining off and on all morning and from the looks of it, there's more to come. I had planned on getting some yard work done this weekend and I guess I'll just have to get outside in between rain showers. Hope you'll be able to get a few things done!

    1. Got a bit done on Saturday but not much, it was still so muddy from the previous few days of rain. Today was a total washout. Hoping for next weekend. Stay safe!!

  2. Rain here, too. There will be time when it stops and we'll wish for it again.

    1. That's the truth for sure. And I wish we could send it where it's really needed too.

  3. Raining here in NE Kansas too... and storms tonight. Then only one day of rain predicted in the coming week! I hope we don't regret worrying about during the heat of summer and I'm glad you all go some much-needed rain!

    1. You know the Summer is definitely when we will miss it. We have a few days of rain chance predicted, hoping it dries up enough to do some outside stuff next week.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh how I wish I could. I know you all need it for sure.

  5. wow, that is a threatening sky shot!

    1. It's been some crazy scary skies and then it just rains, which is fine with me, ha.

  6. Nobody ever appreciates the rain until there is no more. Ask me how I know this.

    1. I understand! We had a major drought here in 2011/2012, it was crazy. I do appreciate it, just wish it was more staggered out and not on the weekend, ha. Hope you get some your direction!

  7. i need it too! you are keeping it all to yourself! i just came in from watering yet again and i am getting really sick of it already.

  8. We've had rain here in Arizona the last couple of days and it was a nice slow soaking rain. It was very welcomed this time of year. It is mostly cloudy and cooler today but I'll take it.

    1. I know you definitely need it, hope it helps and greens things up.

  9. Rain? Jealous thoughts. We were promised rain (again) this week. And we did get showers. Of hail.

    1. Hail no? Or, wait, no hail! HA. I hope you get some rain, I understand it's much needed down your direction too. Will try to send some that way!

  10. 1st Man,

    Enough with the rain.....right!!!! We've had way over 18 inches in a couple of days.....and now were expecting more. I really can't even get into my garden without my pants tucked into rubber boots. The water is just sitting, with no place to go.


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