
Saturday, May 23, 2015


Back from the farm this afternoon, came back early and yes the "40%" got us, ha, but there was also some drama that I'll share tomorrow with an update.  Let's just say the day, sadly, didn't turn out as expected. Bees are fine, house is fine, this is animal drama that unfortunately I had to witness and then deal with the aftermath.

Speaking of weather, we just got this email alert that the city of Houston sends out to residents (who have signed up to receive them).  This will give you some idea of what we're expecting this weekend and why we didn't stay at the farm.  
Note the rainfall totals in the third paragraph down...
The National Weather Service (NWS) and Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) are saying that the potential for major Flash Flooding exists throughout the Houston area this weekend and into Memorial Day (Monday). 
The City of Houston is under a Flash Flood Watch. This means the conditions exist for thunderstorms to produce heavy rain very quickly, resulting in quickly-developing flooding in streets and waterways.
Heavy rain could start as soon as Saturday evening, with rainfall totals expected 2-5 inches in most areas Saturday evening, with the potential of 8-11 inches total Sunday and Monday.  Because the ground is already saturated, and rivers are running high due to recent rains, this will cause flooding in some areas.
Residents should take steps to limit their risk by making sure that they avoid streams, bayous, ditches, creeks and low-lying areas including roadways while this threat continues.
In addition, pay attention to local media, AlertHouston or official Emergency Social Media Channels for information. If you have a weather radio, switch it now to "Alert" mode.  It only take a couple of inches of moving water to sweep away a vehicle.  Remember to Turn Around, Don't Drown®. 

8 to 11 inches?  Are you kidding me?  Sigh.  

Side note, we use our smart phones and television so much that we hadn't really thought about it, be we don't even HAVE a weather radio!  
I think that will have to be a purchase we make soon.

We'll have to see what happens...fingers crossed!


  1. OMGness! I heard that TX was going to be getting loads of rain. Feast or Famine in Texas... right? Stay dry! XO

    1. Hey there sweet lady!!! Yep, this is our lot in life this season apparently. It's definitely something we're having to keep our eye on. Thanks!!!

  2. Stay safe. It sounds as if you really had not choice but to come back early. The animal drama sounds a bit scary too.

  3. Yep, I just checked the radar and it's a-coming! There are a couple of bow echos showing up - so it might be a rough night.
    I lost one of my little fruit trees that I planted this spring - the little avocado tree just couldn't take all this rain.
    Glad that your bees are ok - they are having a tough introduction to our area with all the rain and storms.

  4. Good luck with it all. I hope there is no damage.

  5. We're receiving the heavy rains now. They started around 1:30 this morning and hopefully it will let up. Don't think we will receive the inches we received last Sunday morning when it rained so hard in short period of time that we received over 5inches within a 5 hour period. I would say that we probably got close to 7 inches. Never an Ark around when we need one.
    Looking at my calendar, there has been a grand total of 4 days to where we didn't receive any rain; not even a sprinkle.
    Not much choice in the matter for we must all take the good along with the bad.
    Now; Not too offend anyone here; But whom ever started the rain dance can go ahead and stop and get the heck out of Dodge. :} Bring on the sun.
    Well, 1st. Man; stay safe and stay out of them flood waters. .

    1. My dear hubby just called saying he can't get home due to the road closings out our way due to flooding :{ Have no idea when he will make it home cause it is raining here really hard and has been raining since 1:30am
      We probably have about 6inches of water standing in our yard cause it just has no where to go anymore. Everything is so saturated.

  6. Dang we could use some of that rain. I'd even take half of it. It is just so dry here that even the weeds have wilted. I keep watering the garden to make sure things live, but real rain helps so much. Maybe not 11" though. We had 13" once here when we first moved in. That is way too much rain.

  7. Huge bummer! May it blow over with little effect. We rarely deal with flood issues here but now that we are temporarily living in a 170 SF caravan it's tornadoes here in Illinois that worry us. Oh well, at least we are never ever bored. Take care!!

  8. That's a lot of rain! I hope people stay home. We have had rain most of the month, but, I don't think our totals for all month are as much as your prediction.

  9. 1st Man,

    Dear Lord, you're getting all this stuff we keep getting. Be safe!!!


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