
Sunday, May 24, 2015


So...I was at the farm yesterday and taking a break on the porch.  It had rained (imagine that!) and I had just unloaded some stuff from the car and was sitting on the rocker when 2nd Family's dog Blue came up to visit.  

He roamed around a bit and then wandered off into the yard as he often does.  I saw something out of the corner of my eye and noticed a pretty white and gray cat running across the driveway.  Within seconds, Blue was chasing and I saw the cat jump up onto the garden fence.  My immediate thought was 'OK, it will be safe up there', but Blue jumped up and grabbed the cat by it's back end.  In just a second, he pulled it off the fence and was shaking the cat back and forth in his mouth.  It was horrible to watch and took a couple of seconds for my mind to process what was happening. 

I screamed and ran toward them as he kept shaking and shaking it back and forth.  I twisted my ankle as I ran through the mud.  Suddenly he let go and he ran down the driveway and the cat ran into the brush around our tree.  I looked all around and couldn't find it, hoping that it got away.

About 20 minutes later though, I heard loud meowing.  I went over to the tree and the cat had come out of her hiding place and was laying on her side, dying, breathing her last breaths.  I knelt down and started petting her gently and telling her in a soothing voice that she was a good kitty as I began crying over a cat I didn't know.

She died within a couple of minutes.

I stood there stunned by the whole cycle of events.  I cried a little more (I'm like that when it comes to animals) and realized I can't leave this cat like this out in the open and I surely can't just toss it into the brush.  This is a stray that lived somewhere on the property but it still needed respect.  I went to the barn and got the shovel and found a high, slightly drier spot in the mini forest area and dug a hole.  I got some plastic and picked up the cat, put her into a curled up sleeping position and wrapped her up.  I placed her in the hole and filled it with potting soil we had and topped it off with the clay soil to kind of seal it up.   

I placed a rock on top so we'll remember she's there until I can figure out something more permanent...and cried a bit more.

Needless to say, that put a damper on the day and with impending rain, and everything else checked, I decided to come home.  2nd Man didn't come as planned because he needed to do some last minute work from home.  I'm grateful he didn't have to witness that.  This wasn't the day I had planned...

Image courtesy of
RIP kitty

I'll update the other moments of the day later.


  1. and that is the reason why we love you - your great compassion. that was a wonderful thing to do for that poor little cat.

    i know it must have been traumatic to watch all of that and then have to bury the little cat. be extra kind to yourself in the next few days. and cry as much as you need to. it demonstrates to yourself what a kind, caring, compassionate person that you really are.

    much love to you. your friend,

    1. Well thank you for that. It has made me sad a few times today as I thought about it. You are very sweet. Love back at ya!

  2. sorry you had to see that. we've been through that more than a few times when feral cat come into our gardens. teddy lives to catch feral cats. nature!

    1. It just killed me to watch, but I'm sure once we're at the farm more often, things like this (hopefully not with cats but maybe rabbits, squirrels, etc) might be a more common occurrence. :-(

  3. Poor kitty I hate that.Sorry you had to witness it,I too have seen dogs go after cats that bad and its a sad thing.

    1. I guess when you love cats and you love dogs, you just don't want to see them doing that to each other. It was very hard. Thank you.

  4. That would put a damper on anyone's day. Being a great animal lover myself, I can imagine what that was like for you sitting there watching what was happening.
    God Bless You for giving the cat a wonderful burial.
    It disturbs me to no end when I see a dead animal along the road side.

    1. Me too, I see something that's been hit and I am sad for the loss. I did what I felt I needed to do..than you.

  5. And that, my friend, is why those of us that know you in person, know that is exactly who you are and is why you are loved. :-)

    1. well, since you signed in as anonymous, I don't know which of our friends this is so I can't thank you in person but thank you. That means a lot. :-)

  6. Am so sorry you had to go through this and even sadder with the weather the way it has been lately. At least you got to check on the bees. Hope the ankle is doing better and you've taken care of it.

    1. Bees were good, weather was bad, ankle is better (rested it today). Thank you, very sweet of you!!

  7. ((hugs)) I am so sorry you had to witness that terrible event. At least you gave her grace and love in her last few minutes. And you gave her dignity in death by burying her. You are so kind, compassionate and loving. My thoughts are with you :)

    1. Unfortunately for Blue he was acting on instinct. I would definitely let 2nd family know what happened. Maybe they can gently 'retrain" him, so that does happen with anyone's pet.

    2. I have let them know. She was very upset, he was 'dogs being dogs'. They have cats and he's not that way with them, so I'm not sure. He is part "pit" and she is convinced that even though he was spoiled as a puppy, he reverts to that instinct. I don't know but it did show me a side of Blue I'd never seen before.

    3. I have dog that is part pit/shepherd and beagle. He does the violent shaking thing with his toys. Never with our cats or other animals. My other dog (sheltie/ JT) does the shaking thing too. I have seen my neighbors dogs engage in this behavior (they have a golden lab/ retriever and a sheltie) I think it is instinctual for many breeds--not just pit breeds-- for when they encounter "wild prey".

  8. This made me cry just reading it. What an awful thing for you to witness happen. So very sorry for the kitty and for you. You buried her with such respect and compassion - you’re a very good person.

  9. that was a hard day for you and the cat,, take care my friend,,

  10. I have been in that situation and jumped right in the middle of it. Unfortunately, little can be done to change the dogs' behavior except keeping it in a fenced yard. I have had dogs that attacked my farm fowl and tried everything save killing the offender (I could never do that). So sorry for you and the kitty.

    1. Thanks, yes the ironic thing is they usually keep him in a dog run when they are out doing stuff in the yard, just so he doesn't get in the way but he was off yesterday. Sigh.. thank you!!

  11. So sad. Broke my heart to read it. What kind of dog is Blue? He may need to live within the confines of a fenced in yard. His owners do need to be aware of this in case another unfortunate cat crosses his path again. I'm glad you were there to bury the cat and fix such a nice little grave site.

    1. Blue is a mix but looking at his face/head, a big percent of that is pit bull. Some things I think are just genetically ingrained, I'm not sure. He has sure given me cause for caution now. I watched that shaking back and forth and it was scary for sure. Thank you, I did what I felt I needed to do for the kitty.

  12. Poor cat. I am sorry you had to see it and the poor cat lost her life like this. You taking the time to bury the cat was a very nice and compassionate thing to do.

    1. It's in my nature, I didn't think twice about what i needed to do. I'm sorry I had to witness it but in a way glad I was there to be there for her.

  13. Replies
    1. Aww, thanks for that!! It's something I know I'll have to get used (deaths of animals, circle of life kind of stuff) but it was hard for a 'first time'. Thanks again!! (and yay Ireland!!)

  14. I am so sorry. That poor cat. Poor you. Tears here.

    1. Sniff, thanks, I didn't mean to make you cry Thanks for sharing a few tears with me.

  15. Hopefully Blue only goes after cats on his place that don't seem part of the family. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I hate to hear of an animal killed so cruelly and for no purpose but the kill.

    1. It was, as I look back on it, just for the thrill of the kill for the dog. So sad. 2nd Family has cats and as far as i know they've never had a problem, but he stays in his dog run often and the cats avoid him so I'm not sure.

  16. I am so sorry you had to witness that. It is a natural thing but makes it no easier to endure. You eased the cat's departure.

    I salute your compassion. Thank you.

    1. I totally understand but yes, it doesn't make it easier for sure. Thank you for your kind words!!

  17. Poor, poor kitty. Dogs like that don't last around here.

    1. Thanks, yes, I can relate to those feelings.

  18. Oh. Thank you for being with her when she died. Thank you for giving her a decent burial. I am sure you were shocked by the experience. I know I would have been. Nature is cruel. You are kind.

    1. I was shocked and sort of working on instinct but looking back I'm glad I was there in her final moments. I kind of think that's why I was there.

  19. How horrible! I would have been a crying mess, too. Sounds like Blue is a hunting dog. Thank you for comforting her and for treating her with respect.

    1. Thanks, I think Blue does have some hunting dog in him (he's a mix, unknown other than pit) but he has this habit of stopping and lifting his front paw up like a pointer. I'm glad I was able to do it, hard as it was.

  20. Sad, very . . . visiting from Gail . . ,
    How awful for you to witness.
    How sweet for you to tend to and care . . .

    1. Thank you, and welcome (sorry to have such a bummer post for your visit, ha). Thanks again for taking time to comment. Come back soon, I promise it's usually good upbeat stuff.

  21. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Life and death can be so confronting.

    1. Thats a great way of putting it. Confronting. I'm sure I will need to understand that's going to happen more often than we would like but we'll deal with it. Thank you for the kind words!!

  22. I'm so sad you had to experience that, I'm sure you were a wonderful comfort to the cat and I hope Second Man was a comfort to you.

  23. Oh, how sad. I'm stunned that the pet dog would do that to a cat.

  24. 1st Man,

    Any animal severally hurt is bothersome. You don't want to see them in any pain or injured. I'm sorry you had to witness this however, the dog, Blue was being protective of his property and family. I know this doesn't make it any easier. Sending hugs to you.

  25. No words can express what I'm feeling right now. Just tears. As this reminds me of what happened to Gimpy, my 3 legged kitty, when I was five or less, which is over 62 years ago. A cousin, who was a "big" bully boy, decided Gimpy needed to be drowned in the cattle water tank, because she was a "cripple". I watched and fought for her to no avail. Needless to say, that family was never invited back to the farm. So, yea, I kind of know what emotional turmoil you must be going thru right now. Be kind to yourself and try to forgive Blue down the road. Have a good week. M
    P.S. Hope the 'rains' go away soon for you down there.You all need some sunshine.

  26. You are a good man


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