
Thursday, June 11, 2015


Wind chimes in flower garden, image courtesy of
Here is something we've been thinking about and recently, Jaz over at Octoberfarm posted photos of her beautiful gardens.  In one of the pictures, she had a shot of all of her wind chimes and we had never thought about them scattered around like that.  I always associate wind chimes with hanging from a porch or a window or the eave of a roof, never thought about them just scattered about as she did.  And of course as in this photo I found at Southern Living, put in the middle of a flower garden.  

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as too many and I wouldn't want the sounds to compete with each other, but I think a few of them here and there would be a nice (and easy) addition to the property.  I believe in this one, it is hanging on a  shepherd's hook type pole?  I will have to keep my eye out for a few of those....and of course some wind chimes.

Be inspired!


  1. I went to Home Depot and Lowes and bought swivel hooks to hang plants and wind chimes from my pecan trees, carport, and porches. Woodstock Chimes is the best place that I have found to buy my chimes. You can hear them before you buy them. is another favorite of mine.

    1. Awesome! Love those suggestions and the links are great. I will check that out, thank you!!

  2. that pic on my blog only showed a couple of mine. i have them all over the gardens and when a storm is on the way, they are magical. it's like a wind chime symphony!

    1. Another vote for magical! And I bet a symphony sounds great in a storm. ;-)

  3. I have wind chimes and garden bells all over my garden.....down by the barn, in the pastures and hanging from the pine trees. I can tell which way the wind is blowing by which chimes are singing.
    Years ago I started buying a wind chime for each friend and family member and beloved pets that passed away. When I hear their chime, I think of them. It is like they are floating thru my garden and saying 'hello".

    1. I love this idea, and will borrow it if you don't mind.

    2. What a great way to remember our loved ones.

    3. AMEN! Tewshooz has a great idea! I love that. A chime for each person and/or pet that means something to us. Just brilliant! We're going to borrow that one too! Nice job Tewshooz!!!

  4. I have three sets. Two on the porch at either ends. They don't compete because they don't always get the same breeze. I have another on a shepherds cook by the vegetable garden. I thought the sound may deter the deer. The bluebirds sit on the hook and when they do I can hear the slight whisper of a jingle. Other times its the breeze sending a melody. Today all is very still with a deep heat treatment on the land. AC on for the very first time in 2015.

    1. I never thought about the fact that they won't all be going at the same time, depending on the weather, which way the breeze blows, etc.

      AC for the first time this YEAR? I envy you! ;-)

  5. Our house is surrounded by them, from the enormous (over 1 metre long and very deep sounds) to the very tiny. The tiny ones are outside our bedroom window and I love hearing their tinkle. I love Tewshooz's idea, it's such a beautiful one. Might have to borrow this as well.

    1. Isn't that idea beautiful? We love it! I have seen one of those super long, deep chiming ones, they are SO amazing. I like a soft tinkle sound too, outside the bedroom window would be nice and relaxing.

  6. 1st,
    Leeanna offers key advice, listen before you buy. Remember we all hear and respond to sound differently. We also have several sets of wind chimes dotted around and I much prefer the sound of those with lower pitches. And as others have commented they are great indicators of weather conditions.

    Also keep in mind when placing chimes what they will sound like at night as you drift off to sleep. Even with doors and window closed and no chimes located next to the bedroom window we can still hear them on blustery nights, which I personally enjoy.

    Finally, as to your question “can you have too many”? Well, if on a mildly windy day you cannot hear yourself thinking, then you might have too many, (lol). – G

    1. Thank you! Yes, that is true. I have heard chimes that I don't "like" for some reason but obviously they sell lots of them so some people do. "Try before you buy" right? Ha. And great way to know when the weather changes or what it is doing.

      Love your comment about too many, that made me laugh out loud! True!

  7. 1st Man,

    I'm a chime freak, love them. Anytime I pass a chime up in a store, I can't help myself.......I hit one of the chimes so it will ring/make a sound. We have several outside and inside!

    1. LOL, I just realized I have a tendency to do that too, in stores. I like to run my fingers along them and then I imagine the store people are going "great, there is another customer doing that", ha.

  8. I absolutely Love wind chimes. They all have a sound of their very own. One of my favorites are the Bamboo ones.

    Wind Chimes
    Breeze blowing through
    Old, rusty wind chimes
    I'll always love the sound
    No matter how much time goes by
    No matter what season
    Rain, snow or shine
    Just a little breeze
    Is all they need
    To create a setting
    So calm and serene

    1. Did you write this? So pretty! How are the bamboo one in the weather? I guess they probably don't hold up well. Probably should have them on the porch huh? Will check them out!


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