
Thursday, July 9, 2015


So....this is what I am dealing with today.  Yesterday at work, a lady in the building came into our office and said "does anyone here drive the little red Fiat?"

Those are never words you want to hear when the car description is yours.  I said yes, what's wrong?  She said "someone smashed out your window".

Middle of the day, busy parking lot, car next to the building!

I rushed downstairs and discovered that someone smashed out the drivers side window.  Shattered glass everywhere inside the car.  Thankfully, the alarm went off and we think that is what scared the person away.  Nothing was missing so whoever it was didn't even make it much past the window.  There was nothing of value inside and nothing visible that even "looked" like it might be valuable.  

Of course they left behind a mess, the tinted glass slid down the door as it shattered and scratched the paint...the door doesn't open easily now and they cracked the windshield by hitting as they hit the driver's window.  So, now there is unexpected expense for us, rental car hassle, having to take time off's truly sad what people will do to someone they don't know and cause them all sorts of inconvenience...

UPDATE:  $1428 damage...windshield, side window, tinting, and scratch and paint repair.  Should be done by this coming Friday...


  1. oh man :O(.... I agree what criminals do to other people and all the expense and time and such it cost them. Not to mention what it does to them if its a personal physical crime You just wonder how must their minds work to justify that type behavior.

    1. Amen, it's just so senseless but then again, I guess all crime is senseless huh? Sad.

  2. I'm so sorry this happened, but at least you still have the car. Mine was stolen and wasn't eve a pretty red Fiat. The police never did find mine and really didn't seem to care. Guess there's too much of it in Houston, glad I moved away.

    1. I hear ya. Yep, they didn't steal it, luckily, I would hate to have to go through that. There does seem to be a rash in Houston, lots of parking lot break ins I seem to be hearing about. We'll be moving away some day. ;-)

  3. Oh, if I could just catch someone do that. And, I'd have no remorse.

  4. I'm glad you were inside the building and not the car.

    Karma, hopefully, will do her job.

  5. That totally sucks. So sorry to hear that this happened to you or anyone else
    Hopefully there are security cameras to where, just maybe they will be able to identify and catch the person. Maybe a witness seen something or someone and will come forward with information.

    1. They got three cars I've since found out, in our parking lot. The building has now hired a security guard to roam around the parking lot. We're hoping someone saw something out the window.

  6. 1st,
    What distressing news you bring us today, and I am truly sorry for you. I will never understand senseless vandalism. What kind of twisted “thrill” does a perpetrator of such an act get? {sigh} – G

    1. Exactly. I fail to understand human nature so many times, especially times like this. Double sigh...

  7. Bastards
    Well that made me sit up........just getting back into reading blogs.......
    Not felt like it recently
    Back now x

    1. Been thinking about you guys, hope it gets better each day. Yeah, we have sucky people like this over here. Pointless vandalism just doesn't make sense to me.

  8. Some idiots should not be allowed to roam this earth!

  9. As my mother would say " some people are so damn mean that if a snake bit 'em the snake would die". I'm sorry this happened to you, it sucks badly... hope the repair, etc... goes quickly and smoothly.

    1. Thank you for that! It's going smoothly so far, and as for quick, well quick as can be expected but I have rental so I'm good. I like your mom's thinking, ha.

  10. 1st Man,

    I'm sorry to hear your vehicle was targeted by someone. Good thing no one was hurt, and they didn't get anything of value. No need to take a day off of work, this company called safelite will fix your window while you work. They respond to you and before they do, they will e-mail you their employees picture so you know who you're dealing with when they come to your job or home.
    They're fast and efficient too!!

    1. I know this because I've used them twice in the past couple of years.

    2. Thank you for that. Was going to call them but with the body damage and the door handle was sticking, I figured just take it to the body shop and let them do it all. Of course I think the body shop hires out to Safelite from time to time anyway, ha. Thanks for this info!!

  11. It was nice of the lady to try and find the owner of the hurt little red car. It is sad that people do such things and the expense is a nuisance but it could have been so much worse.

    1. Yes, she went from door to door (though our building is fairly small). I'm grateful that they didn't steal anything and that they didn't take the car completely.

  12. so so sorry to read this. a few years ago, i was moving a chest into the house we own two doors away. i pulled my car up to the curb and we unloaded the chest. my husband stood with it while i pulled my car into my driveway. this was at 11:00 am. i left my purse in the car and locked it. it took us about 20 minutes to carry the chest inside and up to the second floor. when i returned to the car, the window was broken and my purse, 600.00 and all of my credit cards were gone. within half an hour the thief had charged hundreds of dollars of cigarettes and booze on my cards. plus, the purse was a keiselstein cord...ugh! i feel your pain!

    1. Isn't it kind of creepy too, like they were watching you and just waiting. What gets me is how they can be so confident and bold, not knowing if someone could be back in just 2 minutes or 20 minutes. Is they are that bold...well, I don't want to know the rest. Sorry that have to you. Pity we share the world with those types of troublemakers. Sigh.

  13. Sigh. There are oxygen thieves the world over. I am glad that it was only property damage though - inconvenient, expensive and frustrating as it is.

    1. Oxygen thieves...I like that. Yep, property can be repaired/replaced, people, not so much. Thanks again!!

  14. Am so sorry to hear this. The scumbags. Hope insurance takes care of it.

    1. Yep, insurance handling...though we have a $500 deductible. Damages almost $1500 total.

  15. Sorry that happened to you. Totally needless.

    1. Absolutely needless, and I didn't even have anything of value inside. I wish they would have just cleaned up the interior a bit, it needs a good vacuuming, ha.

  16. I'm sorry. Wishing you luck with your insurance!

    Our car was stolen once and my sister and I were elated (Ancient wood grain station wagons were not what teenage girls wanted to be seen in) Of course it was recovered with no damage (used in a robbery and discarded, probably too uncool a vehicle for the robbers to actually drive. Damn them!)

    1. LOL funny story, thanks for sharing. Not funny it happened to you of course just funny in the humor you were able to find in it.

  17. So sorry this happened to you. I just don’t understand the mindset of people who do this.

    1. I don't either. It's such a violation isn't it? Thanks!!

  18. Sorry to read this. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes for what is yet another act of random unkindness. I'm not silly enough to think everyone shares my sunshine and lollipops ways of living but, come on already fellow humans. Let's try to at least not act like animals. LOL! Seriously though, what a pain for you to deal with.

    1. Random unkindness...ain't that the truth. Hey, I'm with you on sunshine and lollipops, I long for that kind of world myself, ha. Thank you for commenting!

  19. Sorry about your car. There are so many mean people in this world. I don't know why anyone would want to knock a window out of car for fun. Years ago some juvenile delinquents jumped all over my new Honda Civic hatchback. It was dented all over where they were jumping up and down. I would have personally loved to have beat the crap out of them, but they were so mean I was afraid they would burn my house down. The family moved shortly after that incident and I would venture to say those kids have spent some time in prison by now.

    1. Jumped all over it? Seriously? Wow! It's sad that we sometimes sensor ourselves for fear of retribution. Similar event to us when I was growing up...some family down the road was breaking into garages, stealing bikes, etc. My dad wanted to go down there but we were a bit worried of retaliation. In our case too they moved. And I never thought about it until you said sit but yeah I would venture that most are or have been in jail since then.

  20. That is just terrible! Sorry you have to go through this. :(


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