
Friday, July 10, 2015


After the car drama of the last couple of days, we decided to grab dinner at a local restaurant that has this amazing courtyard.  They have a wonderful pond with a fountain and a few fish...that seemed to be in hiding in this photo.

Then of course, there are the beautiful, colorful, blooming flowers all along the edges...oh and the food is pretty good too!  For those local, or just curious, it is called Baba Yega Cafe, named after a Slavic witch.

It was a very nice mental getaway and way to refocus on the fun and beauty of plants and flowers month the tranquil sound of water.  So, if yesterday was not very inspiring, this turned that around.  

Can't wait to get to the farm this weekend!

Hope you are having a good week!

Happy Friday!


  1. How beautiful is that. The pond area is absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't want a pond myself but so do admire those that have them.
    You have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend as well.

    1. Thank you! Yes, isn't it so pretty? Lots of work, I'd love to have one too but no way we could keep that up part time, ha.

  2. Now this is an inspiration! Like a beautiful, peaceful oasis.

    1. Yeah, after yesterday's 'anti inspiration', we needed a recharge and this place did it, lol.

  3. Looks lovely & added bonus that the food is good!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Definitely an added bonus. I had a grilled portobello sandwich. It's so good.

  4. What a beautiful place.
    I always loved the Baba Yaga stories - though she creeped me out too. Her hut in the woods was on chicken legs so no-one could sneak up on her...

    1. You know, I've never actually never read any of the stories, I'll have to check them out. Thanks!!

  5. what a good way to leave the previous day behind. i want to go to a slavik witch's restaurant!

    1. You know, I'm not sure what inside references her I'll have to check it out next time. It did refers us though so that was nice. Mission accomplished, right? :-)

  6. 1st,
    I can see why the restaurant is named after a witch, I am sure this water feature has held more than one patron “spell” bound. Glad you guys have such a place to regroup after the week you had. – G

    1. I like the way you think . "Spellbound" definitely did that to us!

  7. thats a great name for the place and I can see how this was your choice for a quiet meal, so calming,,,

    1. Very calming and peaceful. The sound of bubbling water (and they have some birds in cages in there) was relaxing...

  8. Replies
    1. The colors were so vibrant and the sound was so relaxing....stunning is a great way to describe it. And the food is pretty darn good too, ha.


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