
Saturday, July 11, 2015


Off to the farm today.  It's hot, upper 90's.  Going to mow, no rain since last weekend so there may not be much to mow.  No edging I'm sure.  So I hope to do some of the other yard things that need to be done, pruning some mesquite trees, deadheading the vitex along the driveway, etc.

Here are a couple of photos I took:

Canna in bloom
We have another flower at the farm!  These are some canna's that I planted a few weeks back.  I planted several things, including some sent by some kind friends of the blog but so far this is the only thing blooming (the others are still growing).  There is one on the other side that's about to bloom as well.

St. Francis statue
And recognize this guy?  It's St. Francis.  I'm not Catholic, but I always liked the story behind St. Francis and when I saw this statue at a garden center, I couldn't resist.  I figure the farm animals need someone watching over them. 


  1. I am not a practicing Catholic. I am actually not a practicing anything...except for being Heathen! LOL But my 2 favorites are St. Francis of Assisi (the patron saint of animals and ecology) and St. Fiacre of Breuil (the patron saint of gardening).

    It is a common misnomer that St. Francis is the patron saint of gardening. When in fact is is St. Fiacre How I always remembered this is his name had "acre" in it. He was an Irish monk during the 7th century. He lived a life of mortification, solitude and of manual garden labor. :)

    1. Ha, I hear ya, same here. I've always loved the story of St Francis, but honestly I've never heard of St Fiacre...I will have to look that up. That's awesome, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Cannas are so pretty - and even better, care free.
    With all the great animal life at your Farm, St. Francis is the perfect caretaker! I have him watching over my garden, too.
    Hope y’all have a wonderful Farm weekend!

    1. These are the first I've planted. The have done REALLY well considering the soil. I may just have to load up on different varieties and color and scatter them around. Thanks! it was a good weekend! But HOT.

  3. I, too have a bicolor St. Francis. He is so old that his robe is mossy green while his head is just dirty. I like him mostly because he looks masculine. Most saints look, well, saintly:) Julia

    1. bicolor, that's funny. I like when concrete gets that mossy green, it looks old and just cool. I bet there was lots of St Francis statues in gardens and yards all over huh?

  4. St. Francis will look after them all!

  5. Just found your blog and really am enjoying it. Sorry to hear about the car, but thank you for the wonderful frittata recipe. Just what I needed! Like the St. F statue. Good addition to your garden and your pets.

    1. Well THANK YOU and welcome!!! I'm glad you found us. Hope you enjoy the frittata, please come back and visit!!

  6. Don't we all need someone to watch over us, and catch us when we fall?

  7. I have had St Francis for years. The Catholics won't mind.

    Your canna is beautiful.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Ha, thanks for that. I bet there are St Francis statues everywhere huh? Thanks!!!

  8. I'm glad St. Francis is there watching over your place!


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