
Sunday, July 12, 2015


Well, since my car (below) is in the shop I had to get a loaner car...

Red Fiat
Which was good because after all the rains this Spring, the county is redoing all the roads around the farm...

Road Grading
 They have stripped away all the asphalt and have graded the roads and put down some sort of gravel.  It's a mess to drive in but later this week they are supposed to finish repaving everything, so that will be nice.  Our tax dollars at work, always good to see!

White Fiat
And here is my, the rain didn't wash the red off my car, they offered another Fiat.  I find it's easier to just drive something you are familiar with.  I have to admit, though I've not always been a fan of white, I like the white Fiat.  And hey, it matches the beehives in the background!

Hope you had a great weekend, updates during the week in regular posts.  It was good, got a lot done, the weather was nice but HOT, very hot.  Did stuff inside and outside (including mowing, notice the circles around the car, ha).


  1. fun car- either color! have a great week!

    1. Ha, thanks, it IS a fun car. And a plus is great gas mileage. Great week to you too!!

  2. That gravel looks like a head light breaker. I really dislike resurfacing, the gravel part anyway.

    I like both cars. I drive a Buick, an old ladies car!

    It has been a 100 high for three days here. I have slowed on the outside work.

    Glad you finally enjoyed a non-rainy weekend.

    1. You made me laugh about the Buick. I've seen that Buick commercial, they are cool too. ha. We're flirting with 100, they say maybe the end of the week, ugh. But at least it was non rainy.

  3. 1st Man,

    In the high 90's, possible over 100 today.
    It was a beautiful weekend, accomplished a lot.
    Hope you get your car back soon!!!

  4. Oh, I seen those so called circles. Looks like you where having fun cutting donuts. :} My husband makes the same when he mows as well.
    Now, when you get your little red Fiat fixed, do be careful as it may get dive bombed by hummingbirds. :}
    I learned the other day Not to wear a red shirt while working outside.


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