
Saturday, August 22, 2015


We have rain!  
Who would have thought we'd be excited for that after the Spring we had?

We've had about an inch at the farm.

We stopped at a little resale shop today while running errands and saw this feed bag.  It's for Hubbard's Chicken Feed, I'm sure it's a reproduction, but it's still pretty neat.  For now it will stay folded up in a drawer until we decide the best thing to do with it.

We'll take the rain...we've had about an inch at the farm.  Good for the grass, the trees, and most importantly, the bees!

We are staying in town today, in between the rains it's still hot though low 90's is a welcome relief from low 100's.  Will head to the farm tomorrow and drop off some stuff (including more rocks, LOL!) and just check everything. 

Hope you are are having a great weekend!


  1. Good you got some rain. Every little bit helps.
    We received about 1/2 inch here.
    Got our air conditioner fixed, so it's nice after being out for 3 days to have it cool once again. No more taking cool showers and sleeping with ice cold wash cloths and ice packs.

    1. We have been under a No Burn Ban for the last few weeks now.

  2. Rain is vital. We have had cooler weather but not much rain. Two mornings it was 54! Sleeping with windows open and air off.

    It is sad here when we see few bees and few other pollinators. Something bad wrong. We have talked of getting a new start with bees because they are just good anyway you look at them.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Lucky you for the rain. Maybe we'll get some here in Arizona but not likely. Hope the fall/winter is suppose to be as they say and a little wetter than usual. I don't know about keeping that bag folded. It might be better to find a place for it where it can lay flat. The threads might tend to get bad, even if itt is a duplicate. Have a great week.

  4. I love your chicken feed bag with the cute little baby chick. Great find!
    When I was a kid, my mom sewed us pajamas and play clothes out of chicken feed sacks. They were the ones that looked like printed cloth. We looked forward to the weekly trip to the country grocery store where we bought our groceries and also the chicken feed. We got to pick out which print on the feed sack that we would like. Those were the most comfortable pj's and clothes!

  5. Feed sack is so cute, might make a good cushion for the porch.


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