
Sunday, August 23, 2015


Above is the driveway as seen from the porch last weekend, a week ago today as a matter of fact.  This was after several weeks of no rain.  

Everything was turning brown and crispy...

This is the same camera angle today, after several days of nice slow rain showers.  The grass is greening up and even the trees look happier.  

Mother Nature sure bounces back doesn't she?

If we get a few more showers this coming week, next weekend I just might have to get on the zen machine for the first time in OVER A MONTH!

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Amazing what a difference it makes from getting just a little bit of rain. I think you got more rain than what we received. We got right around 1/2 in but it's still pretty dry here. We are under a No Burn Ban here.
    :} Noticed that white truck hasn't moved any from one picture to the next. (secret agents maybe) :}
    Hey, enjoy week and stay cool

  2. I always get so mad when people water their lawns during a drought---it's such a waste of a precious -and increasingly scarce!) resource. The stuff comes back soon after rains return (unfortunately for me as I despise mowing)

  3. Great rain is always a reason to celebrate.

  4. What an amazing difference some rain makes! Nature just comes back to life. I'm so glad that we got some of that rain also - about an inch and a half - it really greened-up everything.

  5. i don't think we will ever see rain again.

  6. Isn't it amazing what a difference a rain makes. Just got done reading this article and thought of you and your Sunday posters. Enjoy!!


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