
Sunday, September 6, 2015


Most every Sunday, we try to post an image of old posters that we find during online surfing.  We enjoy them because we often wonder if anyone today would heed the kind of advice they gave back then...enjoy!

Fats are Fuel, vintage poster image courtesy of US National Archives
This is a very interesting poster image.  It dates from WWI and the United States Food Administration.  It's a different approach to urging citizens to save fats that were used as fuel for the men fighting on the front lines in the war.  

In this one, people were urged to "bake - boil - and broil more....fry less".  Fascinating that back then it was to save fat for another use, today that would be a great strategy for anyone wanting a healthier lifestyle. 

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. I don't fry anything in my home or eat fried stuff in a restaurant; grease does weird things to my digestive tract.

  2. I was a child during WWII and remember saving grease, peeling sticks of chewing gum for the foil wrapper, saving string, etc. I don't remember where we turned these things over to some official but I remember my pride at the big ball of foil I had saved. I think we would all be willing to chip in if our country needed our small sacrifices. Julia @78

  3. Interesting poster.

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Another great poster. Those men in the trenches, with the red sky background - what a picture of courage and sacrifice.

    Right now, I'm hopefully frying some of my own fat - I'm planting my fall-winter garden. Just came in for a cold drink and a short cool-off. It's so much fun watching it grow and then picking my supper each evening from my own home-grown, organic vegetables and fruits!


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