
Saturday, September 5, 2015


Found a couple of cool items at the thrift store this week.  

Vintage Mexican painted batea bowl
The first is this bowl. It's hard to tell that it's a bowl, but it's a shallow wooden bowl, hand painted with beautiful flowers.  It's called a batea, which is Spanish for "shallow bowl or pan".  Interesting side note, batea is also what the pans used in panning for gold are called.  This is a folk art piece and is vintage.  

It will hang on the wall in the guest room. 

Vintage Fruit and Flowers print
And this is another vintage piece, not sure what you call these but they are sort of an old version of a modern day print, only on a cardboard type of paper.  

When I saw the edibles in the picture, I immediately thought it will be perfect on the kitchen wall at the farm.

Both for the grand total of:  $7.25!

Lots of errands today, but since a long weekend, will head to the farm at some point later.  Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  1. beautiful and I love the jolt of color, the kitchen is always a wonderful place such bright yummy colors!!!!!
    great finds!!

    1. Thanks, and yes the kitchen is always a nice place for some color huh? Especially edible color, ha.

  2. The framed fruit is gorgeous, shoot, the frame is worth more than you paid for both items! Perfect for the farmhouse.

    1. Ha, I never thought about that, yeah the frame is really cool. Thanks!

  3. incredible finds! that painting will be awesome in your kitchen! have you ever shown the kitchen?

    1. I think i have, but it's been awhile. I will grab some pics next time I'm out there. :-)

  4. Both great finds. I do love that frame.
    Have a wonderful weekend and don't work too hard.
    It's such a hot day and I ended up making lemon bread. Not a good idea heating up the oven in the middle of the afternoon

    1. Lemon bread? 2nd Man makes a lemon pound cake but hasn't in awhile, sounds good...though you are right, heating up the oven is never fun in the summer, ha. Have a great weekend!!

  5. Very nice indeed! Absolutely love the second one and think it will look great in the kitchen. You lucky duck!!

    1. Thank you! Hope you are well down that direction. Winter for you all, right? Hot and definitely Summer here, ha

  6. Two more great finds! I love both of those! My grandma had one of those painted bowls - I always thought it was so pretty. That lovely picture of the fruit and flowers - with that gorgeous frame - will add a bright spot of color to your Farm kitchen. The Master Bargain Sleuth did good again!

    1. That's neat that you have seen them before. I thought it was so pretty. The bowl was actually the cheaper of the two, it was $2.25 and the framed 'print' was $5.00, ha. Have a great weekend!!

  7. 1st Man,

    Great finds! I can see these items in your house now.
    I came home from TX with several items from my parents home, now to figure out where to place them.


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