
Friday, September 4, 2015


Can someone ID this plant?  

Desert Rose
We have it in a small clay pot on the back porch in town and we want to take it to the farm but need to know what kind of care it takes before we just randomly place it out there.  Someone gave it to us and it didn't have a tag with it, not even sure they knew what it was.

It's done pretty well where it is, but with us paring down and moving stuff to the farm, it's time to figure out what to do with this little one.

Any thoughts?

Update:  Thank you to all wonderful commenters that chimed in.  It seems pretty unanimous that it's a Desert Rose...Wiki Entry HERE.

Now I'm not sure how we've managed not to kill it since I never covered it in a freeze but then again, it is in town and tucked away in a back corner of the deck, protected from winds.  Probably also warmed by the house.  Now we have to rethink having it at the maybe it can just be inside in the Winter.

Thanks again!!


  1. Looks very similar to a Plumeria (Frangipani - Lei flowers) but with smaller leaves.

  2. 1st Man,

    I believe it's a Adenium obesum, a Desert Rose MDAGU. It's a beautiful tree which attracts humming birds.

  3. Desert rose, but I'm not sure if it will overwinter outside where you live.

  4. Sandy and Donna are correct - it's a Desert Rose.
    I had one on my south-facing patio, against the brick wall of my house, for several years and it was very easy-care; I watered it once or twice a week. And I covered it with a blanket during freezes. It was beautiful - until a sneak-freeze got it. Yours is gorgeous!
    Here's a short youtube on its' care:

  5. Oh.My.God. I have one of these. Although mine is a spindly mutated version. I NEVER knew what it was and I have had it for 12 years. It has only bloomed one time---8 years ago. it started off about 5-6 inches tall and it nearly 2 feet tall now. I can't wait to learn more about this

  6. It's Beautiful. I used to have one
    Growing Conditions:
    Light: Full sun. Perfect for a sunny window.
    Water: Water during the summer and spring.
    Keep at least 50º at all times; if you keep temperatures of 60º or higher during the winter, the plant may retain its leaves.
    If your plant develops a seed pod, plant the seeds as soon as possible after the pod ripens to maximize chances of germination. The desert rose can be propagated from branch cuttings, but these plants often fail to develop the characteristic (and highly desired) bulbous stem.
    Repotting should be done preferably during the warm season.
    IMPORTANT: the sap of the desert rose is poisonous and should never come into contact with children or pets. If you get sap on yourself while handling the plant, wash your hands immediately.


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