
Monday, September 21, 2015



No, we aren't moving to the farm (darn it), but we will be moving out of the house we've lived in for 16 years!  That's the reason not a lot has transpired at the farm lately (well, that and of course it's been 157 degrees most every day this Summer).  I take that back, a lot has been happening because we've been taking several carloads of stuff out there as we pare down (downsize?) the things we have in town.

So what are we doing?

We're moving to an apartment in downtown Houston...more than 10 floors up in the building (hence 'moving on up", LOL).  This is the last move we will make before ending up at the farm.  We decided a few months ago to start looking for a new place to live, we call it our "in-between spot" where we could downsize a bit and get ready to move to the farm.  

We had to decide if we wanted another house in town?  After much thought we realized what would that gain?  We'd just still have a mortgage, we'd still have high property taxes and we'd still have the responsibilities of a house while still having the farm to work on!  It would really just be a lateral move.  Since we both work near downtown, we decided to investigate apartments.  We finally found a beautiful high-rise apartment that we loved the moment we saw it and so we decided to put our house on the market.

We can't, at this time, just move to the farm...we always knew this is going to be a longer term process and we're hoping to only take a few more years.  Selling the house in town will finally give us back some of our hard earned years of equity and that, in turn, will allow us to do more things at the farm to get the house and property even more ready for eventual retirement out there. 

Better to do all the infrastructure and "sweat equity" manual labor now while we're younger and have it all paid for by the time we're ready!  

Then when the time is right, we can enjoy the day to day managing of it.
Porch rockers ready and waiting
I'm here to tell you though, and many of you probably know this all too well, packing up and sorting through 16+ years worth of closets and cabinets and drawers and attic space and junk under the beds can be daunting (and very stressful at times).  Oh, and we now have to have the house 'ready' for showings which means we have to clean up and sort through things and then put it all back so it looks nice and neat!  Much easier said than done!  SO...that's what we're doing currently and why our runs to the farm have been quick while having other stuff to do in town.  

On the upside, we've found so many wonderful things (some we've forgotten about over the years) to take to the farm which now, unfortunately, looks like we just moved in for the first time.  There are other things we will be able to take out there later and not move to the apartment.  Also, as part of "staging" the house for showings, the realtor asked us to purchase random things (rugs in front of the sink and stove for example) and so I buy things that I can move to the farm (in that same example, found some great rugs, one with red cherries and one with red apples that will look awesome in the kitchen at the farm).

Next month comes the moving...


  1. What incredible news. Good for you in planning ahead.

    1. We've tossed around the idea for a couple of years and just decided to finally do it. :-)

  2. well, this is exciting! very well planned and thought out. fixing the farm up will make you even more anxious to move there.

    1. This is very true. We're still a few years away but now it will arrive faster than we expect, ha.

  3. WOW! Sounds like a great plan. Since I'm in my senior years, I've cleaned out most of my home and now if something comes in, something has to leave. If I can't wear it, drink it, or eat it, mostly likely it's not coming home. One can really do without a lot of STUFF. Happy moving!

    1. I like that way of thinking. That's not a bad way to do it. Of course, sometimes I might find something I just HAVE to have, LOL. But that defeats the purpose right? Ha. Thanks!!

  4. oh yes, best wishes on that " Deelux apartment in the sky "" lol, (I hear that song playing in my ear!!

    what a view you will have,, the best of both worlds,,

    we have been doing some soul searching lately, decision making,, and we made quite the same choice only we don't have a lovely farm, we have 10 acres of bush bears, wolves , moose and deer!
    But its ours.

    1. LOL! I was going to put The Jefferson's reference in my post but wasn't sure how many people might remember that, ha. One of my favorites.

      We will have a view for sure, I'll be sure and post pics when we're all settled in next month (probably end of October).

      Hey, our farm isn't so lovely yet, it has it's moments but it's about 10 acres of mesquite thorns, snakes and weeds, ha.

  5. I am so glad I am not the only one mentally singing the Jefferson's theme song! Good luck to you with your move, and how smart to think in temporary terms. (How smart to have no maintenance other than the farm).
    Our house has overgrown us (empty nest) and if not for 20 years of accumulation I would put it on the market today. We have a lake place where we will eventually retire, and I would love a smaller "gap" space.

    1. Too funny, I debated putting that in the post, I should have! ;-)

      yep, that was one of the biggest factors. Trying to maintain the yard and stuff at the house in town and have time to get to the farm on the weekend and do the same thing was just too much. We've spent the last few months slowly going through stuff and yep, we can totally relate. I like calling it a 'gap space'...kind of like the 'gap year' between high school and college that some take, right? Of course ours will be a 'gap few years', ha.

      Yay for you and your lake place, hey if you have it, that's all that matters.

  6. Good luck.
    Moving is one of life's major stressors and this move definitely sounds like a step in the right direction.

    1. Call me the weird one, but I love to pack; moving not so much, but I love the packing part of it.
      You will be surprised when you come across some hidden treasures that you have forgotten about.

      5 Upsides to the Downsides

      1. Fresh start
      consider this a fresh start; a time to regroup, recover, and realign.
      Don’t feel pressured to replicate your past space, work or life but take advantage at the chance for a fresh start and write a new story

      2. Less stuff
      You don’t have the excuse of extra space for your extra stuff anymore.

      3. Less to clean
      If your new space is 1/2 the size of the space you left, it will take 1/2 the time to clean. Not to mention, if you own less, there is less to clean around.

      4. Save money
      Your new downsized place will save you money. When you have less space to heat, cool and light, your utility bills will naturally be lower. You’ll save money on maintenance and other things too.

      5. More time
      When you have less to take care of, you have more time to do other things.Find ways to enjoy your smaller space by making it a home. Don’t treat it like a temporary move.

      Wishing you both the very best in your move as the best is yet to come.

      Moving Check list:

    2. Elephant's Child - Yep, it can and at times has been very stressful. And I'm usually the upbeat and optimistic one but have had a few sleepless nights, ha. Not always just at times it's daunting.

      Colleen - But then with it being daunting, I hear wise words like this. Thanks for sharing all of those, great advice for all of us. And like you said, the best is yet to come!!

  7. "we finally gotta piece of the piiiiiiiiiie"! I too hear "the jeffersons" theme in my head.

    "on the upside, we've found so many wonderful things (some we've forgotten about over the years) to take to the farm" - now ain't THAT cool!

    1. LOL! I love all these Jefferson's fans. :-)

      Yes, sadly, we've lived in this house during the loss of all four of my grandparents, my father and then my mother. So with these losses, each time I gained items that I put up to use for "someday" and now I'm uncovering them and that someday is now, ha.

  8. Hope the sale goes smoothly and you keep discovering many treasures.

    1. Thanks, have found some fun stuff already, things I had stored away that I forgot about. Lots to share about later on.

  9. Oh, you guys are doing what we will need to do in the next few years ... not living in an apratment but purging & sorting through 30 years of living in the same house. I found a bank statement from 1989 last week! Yes, it was hidden way down deep but still, it was there. I can't wait to feel free from all & to find some packed away treasures such as you guys have found. Congratulations!

    1. I can only imagine how much we'd have here after another 15 years, ha. We've accumulated enough in the first 15, ha. There is something freeing about getting rid of so much and having things organized. And hey, I found a check register from 1995, I guess I moved that with me to the house 16 years ago, ha, so I can DEFINITELY relate!

  10. Wow - Big changes! Y'all are doing some really smart planning for the future.
    And being in a 10th floor apartment, you sure won't have to be concerned about your home flooding now!
    Best wishes on this new "in-between" stage of y'all's lives!

    1. Flooding will never be an issue for us now, except maybe cars (not while parked, there is a parking garage) but while driving to/from work, ha. You know how Houston highways can be, LOL!

  11. 1st Man,

    Congratulations on your new place in the city, it's another step toward your future!!!!
    Oh man, I so hear you about going through 16+ years of stuff. Try going through 50+ years of stuff, this what were doing now. With moving into the city will you be able to garden in pots on your patio?

    1. Thank you! Yep, another step on the journey! 50 years? Holy cow I can't EVEN imagine. I'll leave that up to stronger people than me, ha. Good luck to you too! You know there is a nice size private balcony, I will have to see what they allow. I forgot about that. I'd like some herbs if possible. But at least I have 11 acres in the country "play with" when I get the urge, ha.

  12. You'll remember I had to do the sporting / choosing / packing 3 years ago when we moved to the farm - feels like yesterday (shudder). And, as for "staging"...!

    Strength, 1st (and 2nd) Man...

    1. Thank YOU! I do remember your packing up, but forgot about all that you went through. I will have to go back and reread, ha. Thank you!!!

  13. Sounds absolutely the correct thing to do, can't beat a bit of downsizing even if it is a pain. One step nearer!

    1. That's sort of they way we are thinking downsizing and orgazning brings us one big step closer. And that's most important of all! :-)

  14. Wow! Ok, when is the move and do you need help? I'm gonna miss your house, I liked it, but a new adventure awaits. Alon se'!

    1. You will LOVE the new place, trust me. As for help, not sure yet, sometime by the end of October if the Universe helps us out. ;-)

  15. This sounds like a very worked out plan of action!
    Good luck.

  16. Daunting. We are trying to do the same thing. Have been at this place 21 years and run out of room. Stuff is suffocating us.

    1. Isn't it amazing how it accumulates? We figure we fill the space we are in, ha. The new apartment will be a bit smaller. But with no yard, no garage, no attic, etc, there is much less storage.

  17. What exciting news! Congratulations and may you be happy in your soon-to-be new home.

    Have you considered this type of moving system?

    I used a similar system on my last move and it was, by far, the easiest move I have ever done. Packing and unpacking were a snap and there was no hunting for or purchasing moving boxes. It is an very cool concept, green, and offers more protection for your breakables. I am not affiliated with any company, but love to sing the praises of this system!

    Regardless of how you do it, may your packing be orderly and the move done swiftly and safely.


    1. Wow, I've never seen that before. That's FASCINATING! Thanks for the link. I like the concept, will do some more reading on that. And thank you for the well wishes!!!

  18. I can 't wait to see the pictures of your new view. Even though I 'm a confirmed rural dweller, I think it would be really cool to have a cup of coffee early in the morning and watch the city wake up. I hope all your plans work out.

    1. Thank you...we are kind of excited about that as well. It will be fascinating for sure. And I'll be sharing lots of pics! We're going to have the interesting dichotomy of confirmed urban high rise living and 11 sprawling rural acres. It will make for some interesting living. ;-)

  19. Good Luck on your move. I don't envy you both on the sorting & packing. When you're all done there, you can come to mine and help me sort and downsize. Hubby & I have only lived in our home for 44 years.

    1. 44 years? For real? WOW! I can't EVEN imagine. ;-)

  20. Congrats on the move! Such exciting times. You know you could get a pod and toss all the stuff in it and move it to the farm, lol I guess that defeats the purpose of purging. You could organize your stuff into categories: Farm, Apartment, Donate, Recycle, Trash. Maybe it will make the move less daunting?


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