
Sunday, September 20, 2015


Most every Sunday, we try to post an image of old posters that we find during online surfing.  We enjoy them because we often wonder if anyone today would heed the kind of advice they gave back then...enjoy!

Eat Less Bread, vintage poster image courtesy of NYPublicLibrary Archives
After a few poster images before that had people eating as much bread as possible, now we found one that asked people to "Save the Wheat, Help the Fleet...EAT LESS BREAD".  The difference being however, eating more bread was during WWI, eating less was during WWII.  Interesting times!

At the farm as this posts and back to run errands in town later.

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. interesting fact; I make my own bread most of the time.

  2. I wonder how eating less wheat helped the fleet?

  3. “An army marches on its stomach.” Probably a lot more cornbread eaten back then to save the wheat for bread for the troops. And everyone was encouraged to have a backyard “Victory Garden.”


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