
Saturday, October 17, 2015


Off to the farm today...the weather is BEAUTIFUL this weekend.  Next week, we are expecting rain, which is OK with us because it is much needed.  

Green farm
Very soon, the yard and property won't be this green...the colors will change, the leaves will drop, and it will be barren for months.

Store firewood display with Halloween decorations
Of course, the last couple of weeks have been in the upper 80's and several times, low 90's...for October!  It is October and Fall decor is out but even in this heat and humidity the stores are stocking up on firewood bundles.

Sadly, we don't have any place that we need firewood for. The farm is all electric and along with the house in town (and soon to be apartment), none have fireplaces or cast iron stoves.

Hope to get the garden cleaned up, CLICK HERE to see what that job entails, and have some things to plant, or at least prep the areas for planting.  We hope you all have a great weekend doing what makes you happy!


  1. Many things can be planted now to grow in the spring.

    I am very happy digging in dirt. Enjoy your day.

    1. I didn't get much digging done but will do that next weekend. Update tomorrow with pics. It was a LOT of work but oh so good when it was done. Hope you had a great weekend too!!

  2. I wouldn't mind your temperatures right now.

    1. It's been gorgeous...hope they head your way soon!!

  3. Garden preparation can be hard work - but always pays dividends. Have a wonderful productive weekend.

    1. Oh so much work...but it will SO be worth it in the end. Next Spring I guess, but hey, the hard part is pretty much done. Post tomorrow!

  4. it is a nice weekend by the atlantic ocean for me!

  5. What a great weekend it is! I went out to my garden and picked some okra for okra gumbo. Also some yellow squash. The kale and lettuce will be ready to start harvesting in a few days and I have baby tomatoes and green beans. The Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and shallots are growing well too. Since it's a little cooler, I need to plant some spinach , carrots, and beets. Good luck with cleaning and planting your garden this weekend!

    1. Wasn't it nice? Wow. And oh my, you are a harvesting machine! Yay!!!! No garden planting this seasonI had so much to do to get ready. Post tomorrow with the details. You'll see when you see the pics ugh. but so so happy with the end result. :-)

  6. I am always amazed at such tiny wood bundles. You must need a lot of them to have a sustaining fire through winter. I am grateful that we can source our own wood from the property, it must be expensive having to buy your wood. The flip side though, is that all the hard work is done for you.

    1. That's funny, I never thought about that. You are right, they are very small. Of course here in our part of the country, our Winter's are fairly mild, so one bundle every few weeks might be all that's needed, ha. If we ever needed wood at the farm, we do have quite a bit to choose from. Not a forest but definitely, some wood around. And yes, HARD work I know....

  7. I suggest you build a fire pit this fall. Texas is like Alabama and warm enough to sit outside around a fire just about the entire winter. That way you can enjoy a fire even in a totally electric home with a bonus...s'mores!

  8. 1st Man,

    It's been in the low 50's here in the morning. Most of my garden beds have been put to sleep for winter, and prepped for next season.


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