
Sunday, October 18, 2015


Most every Sunday, we try to post an image of old posters that we find during online surfing.  We enjoy the ones that reflect farming, gardening and/or food preservation and rationing.  We enjoy them because we often wonder if anyone today would heed the kind of advice they gave back then...enjoy!

Here is an image of a poster from WWII when rationing was put into place to help keep us from consuming as much.  We were not only providing food for our own people but for our soldiers and the Allied soldiers as well.  This one shows how selfish people are without and how happy they are with.  Makes one wonder if society would do this today, doesn't it?

Hope you're having a good weekend.  We are cool and beautiful here.  I got so much done in the garden yesterday (cleaning it up), need to finish up.  Then will just relax for a change.  So much going on lately, it will be nice to just kick back and relax.  More of an update later and I'll be replying to all your comments.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Another wonderful poster.

    I still have some rationing coupons for gas.

    1. Thanks, we love discovering new ones. Gas rationing, amazing huh?

  2. spouse has some WWII food rationing coupons from his late mother's estate.

    let's face it, we consume too damn much in this country because most of us are greedy pigs. if I lived alone, it would be in a minimalist state.

    1. That's kinda cool too (having some of the actual coupons). Amen to your thoughts too...we are kind of going a bit more minimalist as well...but we'll see how it all works out. We want the apt to be minimalist. Less clutter to deal with when we come home from work. Of course the farm is a different story, ha.

  3. I am glad you had a good and productive weekend.
    Then, as now, I suspect most people played fair, and some cheated.

    1. Thanks, it was very good (pics tomorrow). And yep, I'm guessing there was more cheating than it might appear. And today, well, forget it, it would probably be more cheating than playing fair....I'd like to think our fellow humankind might play along but I'm not sure.

  4. I can imagine the riots in this day and time if rationing was implemented. I remember old folks talking about rationing during the war and how bad things were during the depression. I try to live frugally, but I still splurge on a lot of things I don't really need!

    1. It would be crazy, and calls of Government interfering in our lives, and they have no right to do that, etc etc...I hear ya!!

  5. Was a wartime baby in UK so remember rationing quite well. I think my mother did an amazing job & much as I did not like powdered egg, we did not starve!

    1. Hey, you adapted, or at least your Mother did and you followed along and did the right thing. Nothing wrong with that!!

  6. I was laughing at the thoughts of rationing today. Have you seen the Coupon TV shows? People will clear the shelves of an item they neither need nor want just to get the deal because they save more than the cost of the item. I watched one lady buy over 200 bottles of tabasco once because she "made" 4 cents per bottle. With a mindset like that I can't imagine rationing being an easy sell here.

    1. Oh my gosh, I've watched those shows and people have 50 tubes of toothpaste, or 100 cans of dog food and they don't even have a dog. And then they say it's because it was almost free because of the coupons. They are proud of their entire rooms that look like grocery stores. All we can think of is, if they are going to do it to give to charity or needy organization, more power to them....but if they are just keeping it "because it was cheap", that's a whole other mindset (and not a good one). I hear ya, not much rationing would happen these days I'm afraid, most people would not be able to live up to it.


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