
Sunday, October 18, 2015


Such a nice weekend.  Sunny, clear, cool, low humidity...just lovely.  Yesterday was so successful getting the garden cleaned up.  Post coming tomorrow morning with pics, the horrible before and the wonderful after.  It's such a weight lifted from my (gardening) shoulders.  

When I came home after being there all day, 2nd Man had this wonderful pasta dish prepared.  He knows I love pasta (I think I must have been Italian in a previous life, I could eat pasta every day).  This is pasta with a mushroom, pepper and pork cream sauce.  We also had some wonderful bread and a glass (or two) of wine.  It was a good day!  

Today I did stuff around here, to get the house closer to being ready to move when it sells.  Tomorrow we're having stew (cooking today) now that the cooler weather is, sort of, here.  


  1. Isn't it just the most wonderful feeling to get a garden bed under control again?
    Mmm pasta...

    1. Oh my is such a relief. Thanks, the pasta was delish!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I will pass the word along to 2nd Man!

  3. how about a recipe for that sauce

    1. I'm working on it. :-) And by the way, nice to 'see' you again!!! Missed ya!

  4. It was very cool with very low humidity here today. Working in the yard would have been pleasant if I could do it! Working in the yard in high heat and humidity drains us all. That pasta dish looks delicious. I think I must be Italian, too. Only, my focus is more on tomato sauces. However, any pasta dish is not safe around me.

    1. The weather makes SUCH a difference it what we can do outside, huh? Thanks for the compliment, I will let him know. I do love tomato sauces too, but the white ones are my weakness.

  5. Oh wow, that looks amazing!!!!!!!!! I too love pasta, and I like the white/cream sauces. Yeah, if you can snag that recipe, please do. Jenn

    1. Thanks, yep, the whites ones (cream/white cheese based) are my faves, but if it's pasta, I will eat it period! Will get a recipe for ya.

  6. if ya don't like pasta...YUM and more for the rest of us!

    1. Amen!!! All pasta haters, send it our way, right? :-)


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