
Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Here is something 2nd Man threw together one morning with just what we had leftover and  I had to get pictures.  It's so good, I ask for it regularly, depending on what we have on hand of course.  The ingredients change a bit but the concept is the same.  

Sweet potato and egg hash with steak
This is called "hash".  And by definition it's most anything with some form of potato, onion, and meat or other veggies eggs optional but eggs make it breakfast ready!

On this particular morning, we had a few new potatoes, a couple of sweet potatoes, two shallots, a leftover hunk of steak from the night before and of course, eggs.

Chop up the new potatoes and fry in a bit of olive oil.

Add the sweet potatoes and continue sautéing...

Next add the chopped shallots and sauté a bit more...

Add the chopped up steak, which of course is already cooked, and heat it up...

Add some beaten eggs (we used about four) and salt and pepper to taste...

Just continue stirring until the eggs are cooked and that's it!

Steak, egg and sweet potato hash
Serve and enjoy!  

A hash is always so forgiving, eggs are optional (but delicious) you can use sweet potatoes, fingerling potatoes, or regular russets, onions, garlic, shallots, or spring onions, and any kind of meat, sausage, steak, chicken, or hamburger (optional of course).

It's always good!!


  1. YUM. Pretty mush the way I make around here; using what I have in the fridge; mostly suing sausage of some sorts and most of the time I add diced bell pepper; either fresh or I'll grab some from the freezer.
    Now, pass around the folks so that we all can dig in. :}

    1. Sorry; didn't mean mush. Meant to say, much

    2. Hey, hash/mush it's all the same, ha. Yum peppers would be nice. Thanks!!!

  2. We NEVER have leftover steak. Sigh.

    1. Ha, it's rare (no pun intended, LOL) for us too. We just had two really large steaks and with the other stuff we had with them there was for a change, leftover steak! Yum!

  3. What a delicious way to use up leftovers - mmm! Looks sooo good - I think I’ll rummage around the frig and see what I can find.
    You could also wrap it all up in a flour tortilla for a breakfast taquito - a great portable breakfast.

    1. It's a great use of leftovers for sure. And YES brilliant to put it in a tortilla....YUM!!!!

  4. Looks delicious - if you want a change / brunch meal why not try a frittata next time ;) Same ingredients just not stirred. Serve with some salad greens and a crisp roll / French loaf.

    1. Oh my yes, we've made some frittata's too. Yep, it's very similar (never thought about that but it is!). Thanks for the reminder, next time we just might do that! And salad and crusty bread, you've got it!!!

  5. LOOOOOOOVE hash! LOOOOOOVE it! and yours looks deeelish! did i mention that i LOOOOOOVE hash???? bahahahah!

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

    1. It's so good and satisfying....thanks for the kind words, and by the way, I can't tell though if you like hash??

      Love to you!

  6. I've said it before, I'll say it again, second man needs to be a chef if he's not already one now ha ha

    1. Well, that's very sweet of you, he's not a chef, by training, he really does work in an office all day but you're right, he should be one because he loves to cook and create....thanks for the sweet words, I'll make sure he reads them.

  7. Sounds very familiar - have done that many a time! Enjoying the cooking posts.

    1. It's a very easy and filling meal for sure. I'm trying to keep up with photographing and copying down recipes when he makes something, he's just so darn quick sometimes, ha. But we'll have more!! Thanks again for the kind words!!!


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