
Tuesday, March 22, 2016


OK, so remember a while back, there was an inspiration post I put up about a wind chime garden?  Several of you mentioned that they could be scattered around the garden/yard in memory of loved ones/pets that had been lost.  

A shepherd's hook was a suggestion (and the ones used in the inspiration post).  

Well, last Friday, I went out on my lunch break and I stopped off at a random garage sale in a nearby neighborhood and found three of them!

Shepherds hooks
They are tall, when stuck securely into the ground, they are still about six feet tall.  This is just a temporary spot so they can be up and out of the way.  

Shepherd's Hooks 
They have great hooks on them and are thick and substantial enough to have a nice size wind chime hanging from each.

Clay plaque
The lady selling the hooks also had these cool clay "sun" plaques (for lack of a better description).  I couldn't pass them up either, they just need a bit of cleaning up and then we can find a place for them.  

Got all of it for $6.00!

Now we just need to start "listening" to wind chimes to find ones we like the sound of and then find the perfect spot!  We think we have a great place, and I'm working on that (clearing it).

Anyone have wind chime or other suggestions?


  1. listening to them before buying is important you want an irritating tinny sound, great bargains be careful were you locate them I have moved mine 3 times as I could hear it during the night and it was disturbing my sleep :-)

    1. Yes, thank you for this. The area we are going to use is far enough from the house and on the opposite end as the bedrooms so we'll be good. Fingers crossed!

  2. What awesome finds! I don't particularly like wind chimes, preferring the sound of nature. However, we do have one wind chime that has a nice sound. It took a long time to find. I put it out occasionally just to please hubby. Other than the obvious bird feeders, I hang either suet or alpaca fiber (we have seven alpacas) in those mesh feeders you can find at the hardware store. In winter - suet. In spring - fiber for birdies to make nests with.

    Looking forward to seeing what you create!

    Be Joyful!

    1. Thank you! Never thought about birdie stuff, thanks for that idea. Heck, I'm going to keep looking for some more, you never know! Thanks again for commenting!!

  3. My favorite wind chimes are the bamboo ones. Very soothing sound.

    1. I so agree. Bamboo chimes have a nice sound to them.
      Bamboo is always my #1 pick

    2. I never thought about this, thank you both for the suggestion. I will have to listen for them....

  4. Sounds you can listen to

    1. Who knew?? Thank you so much, off to check them out!

    2. Those are great sites for choosing a wind chime!

  5. I have several of the bamboo wind chimes and one heavy metal one that bongs rather than chimes. I can listen to the bamboo all the time but I have to take the other one up and down. On windy days it is too much!

    1. I just never thought about the difference, thank's so much!!

  6. I agree bamboo is a winner. The metal ones, while hardy, can clang and crash on windy days.

  7. Congratulations on a great score. I love finding bargains, it's like finding treasure. I can already imagine the sweet tinkles emanating from your soon to be wind chime collection.

    1. I love finding something that just seems meant to be, ha. Thank you, will keep you posted!!

    2. 'Sweet tinkles' made me giggle a bit!

    3. LOL, we will SO use "sweet tinkles", ha!!

  8. An artist has created wind chimes from acetylene tanks.. The sound is deep and mellow

    1. Well I bet that's a nice sound, I'll have to google something about it!

  9. Sounds like it was meant to be! :o)

  10. There is a brand of chimes that we love, whose sound can't be beat, called "Music of the Spheres." You can go online and hear each type of their "tuned" chimes. They are lovely! We have the 5 foot chimes, in pentatonic - so they are huge. We've had to bungee them to the tree they are in because of abnormally high winds here in Illinois for so long!

    1. Wow, I I will check that out, thank you so much. We'd love something large and bold, as long as it wouldn't be TOO bold, ha.

  11. My favorite place to buy wind chimes is I found years ago at Texas Renaissance Festival and found them at Scarborough Faire recently. You can have the high tones or the low tones in various sizes. I have three. One is at 2nd Family's house. The other is at my best friend's house along with one of her own and the third one is in a box. Since I have a piece of my soul in their yards, maybe we could put the third one in your yard?

    1. WHAT? That would be awesome....we'll work on that. Thank you! We'll And another vote for music of the spheres...going to check it out. Thanks, luv ya!

  12. 1st Man,

    Great deal!!! You can make chimes out of pipe and tune them yourself. My FIL used to do this for fun.

    1. Really? I bet there are some you tube vids for that, thanks. Might be a fun project sometime!


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