
Saturday, March 19, 2016


Today it's off to the farm to get started on outside stuff.  We had over 2 inches of rain last night in town so we're hoping it was none out at the farm.  The storms seemed to miss it last night so fingers crossed!

It's now been two weeks since I mowed.  I also need to work on the porch.  And the first priority today, the garden area.  I edged around the raised beds but I have to mow the grass (with the push mower, ugh) today.

This is from about 3 weeks ago, I'm sure it's worse now.

Hope you have a great weekend!  The good thing is this rain was from a cold front and it's cool outside.  Should be a nice day to be outdoors.  

I'll update later with pictures and will finally get to reply to everyone's comments this weekend (it's working for me again).


  1. We did not get more than a few drops of rain here. I was hoping for a little more for my vegetable garden and flowers. It's sunny but really windy and kinda chilly in the 50's. Hope you have a great day at the Farm!

    1. It never rained a drop at the farm (according to 2nd Family) but yep, metro Houston got almost 3" in some spots.

  2. we are 11 days rain free now its great considering we had 4 months of the stuff hope you get plenty done :-)

    1. The rain free makes for good yard working without the mud. Thanks!

  3. No rain but it is cold and quite windy here. Even tho the sun is out, that wind makes it feel rather quite chilly and we just thought that it was time to put them long-johns away.
    Noticed yesterday that I have 2 blooms on my tomato plant already.

    1. OMG the wind was crazy this weekend and now tonight it's getting chilly. Tomatoes in the ground? Dang, I'm behind!!!

  4. Decluttering never ends. Particularly outside. Though inside some things (like books) multiply at least as fast as the weeds. Sigh.

    1. Amen to that, ha!! I hear ya, trust me, I hear ya! :-)

  5. 1st Man,
    Last week when I mowed the grass was a tad wet causing major build up under both the push mower and the tractor. What a mess to clean up.
    Hopefully, it will be dry for you and you won't have a mess to clean.

    1. Oh I've been there and done that, it's a mess and makes a mess. Now that the zen machine has been cleaned I want to make sure I keep it that way but my guess is I won't keep it that way for long, ha.

  6. It's so funny how you say that a cool front has come in so it should be nice enough to work outside - for us it's the's those warm fronts we are always looking out for :) And I see some cardboard sheet mulching in your future!

    1. LOL that's funny! Trying to figure out how to get a bunch of cardboard sooner rather than later, ha. Thanks!!


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