
Sunday, March 20, 2016


The weather was wonderful.  It was 60's (50's when I got there) and a very strong breeze was blowing... 

Breezy curtains
I opened the windows to let the house air out and the curtains were flowing with the breeze...

Mowed yard
I got the yard and driveway and trails mowed.  I just love the satisfaction of how it looks when it's done...

There were flowers blooming along the fences, albeit wildflowers and weed flowers but it's all beautiful...

Steak dinner
And I came home to grilled steak, peas, mashed potatoes and gravy.  

It was a good day!

Since I had so much mowing and edging to do, I used yesterday to work on the yard and today will be focusing on the garden area.  I need to edge around the raised beds, mow between the beds and just generally clean up the area. 


  1. Darn right chilly here this morning (36 deg. @ 10:35am) at the moment and wind blowing like crazy which makes it feel all that much colder but still heading out to get our yard mowed. No wearing of my garden cap today unless I want to chase it into the next county. :}
    Have a fun and enjoyable day.

    1. Dang, that is cold! I think that's coming our way but not sure it will get that cold. The wind however WAS crazy. LOL about the garden cap, I had mine on and it blew off twice and I gave up. then came home and 2nd Man said "you are sunburned, didn't you wear a hat?" Sigh.

  2. We have freeze warnings tonight.

    The lawn looks fantastic and the meal divine.

    1. Freezing? I guess Winter isn't quite done with all of us yet.

      Thanks, the food was

    2. Oops, clicked submit...the food was YUMMY indeed, ha. Thanks!

  3. Its great when you can make a start outside again, I hope your bees have come through winter ok

    1. Thank you, yes, it's good be getting outside. And yes, the bees (well we lost one hive, not sure if you saw that post a few months back) but the other hive is going great, knock on wood! Thanks!!

  4. Sounds like a perfect day. I love fresh air blowing through the house. Dinner looks yummy.

    1. Fresh air just makes a house so much fresher. Thanks!!

  5. Recipe for a great day: Fresh air of the country, wildflowers blooming, a freshly-mowed yard, and then a delicious supper. Looks like you hit all the ingredients!

    1. Those were the perfect ingredients huh? It was a great weekend, perfect temps, albeit a bit windy, ha.


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