
Sunday, March 6, 2016


Day two of going to the farm.  I decided yesterday, after looking at the weather  forecast for this week and then looking at the yard, to mow and do other yard work now instead of waiting.

They are predicting two, possibly three, days of heavy rain later in the week which means next weekend will be way too wet to mow or edge.  If that happens, it means it could be at least two more weeks before I could mow and by then it could be 5 feet tall!

Progress inside is going well, no we need some outside progress...

Update later tonight when I get back and I'll catch up on comments!

Hope your weekend is going well!!


  1. Finishing up with our mowing this morning early which we started yesterday.
    Have an enjoyable day

    1. Thanks, it was so pretty. Now it's like the end of the world. Hope y'all are staying safe! I saw bad weather that direction and it's coming down here tomorrow/wednesday.

  2. LOVING your details and all the pics! Before you start doing too much to your place, I have some things you may want to google.. permaculture, food forest, pastured poultry ala Joel Salatin. Either way, I wish you both all the success you can handle! FB has a LOT of permaculture/small farm/homesteading groups if you might be interested. :-)


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Now, let us hear from you!