
Saturday, April 30, 2016


...come again another day!

More rain coming through. This was this morning at 5:30am when we were awakened to thunder and lightning.  This is relatively fast moving so even though heavy rain, no flooding should occur...

Of course none of us need the rain here now.  

The grass at the farm is crazy tall, I need some zen machine time, so I asked 2nd Family and they said since our end of the property is up higher, the rain that fell, moved through quickly and drained off, but it's still a bit wet.  I'm hoping that tomorrow (Sunday), after today has given things a chance to dry out, I'll go out again and hopefully be able to mow. But we'll see!

For now though, we will leave you with these words of wisdom:

So, so true...


  1. Raining here too, which really sucks since it's our youngest 16th birthday party today. So far we heard the tornado sirens, had hail, thunder and lightning... Not how we hoped this day would go...

  2. So much for all the flooding and crazy rain lol. Yesterday was nice and sunny!!! -T

  3. Rain, and damp cool weather here in southern Ontario. Will spring ever come?

  4. Rain the moisturizer of the Gulf Coast. No one who lives here can move to a dry state, we'd all dry up and blow away. We're too used to breathing water!

    The winged ones are less scary than the small ones that move very fast! Those freak me out!

  5. Rain the moisturizer of the Gulf Coast. No one who lives here can move to a dry state, we'd all dry up and blow away. We're too used to breathing water!

    The winged ones are less scary than the small ones that move very fast! Those freak me out!

  6. Winged or not - those creatures are shriek-provoking!

    Yep, it's raining again - what can you do?!

  7. 1st Man,

    I sure hear you on the message of rain rain go away. We've had so much of the stuff lately, and the grass is tall.


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