
Friday, April 15, 2016


Love love love this find the other day at the thrift store.  I almost passed them up because it was after Easter.  

They were in the basket section.  I glanced and saw they were Easter baskets and I thought "hmm, cute but..." and almost walked by.  

Then I took a second glance.  

Vintage Easter Baskets
They were displayed like they were here.  I realized there were no handles.  "Well that's different" I thought.  So I picked them up and found they were attached, one inside the other...they weren't meant to have handles...instead...

Easter Baskets shaped like an egg
...the "extra" basket next to each actually folded up and over the other part to form a giant, wicker, Easter egg!  How cool is that?  They certainly seem vintage, at least from the age of the wicker and the old elastic closure. 

Once I realized what they were, I certainly couldn't resist.  And at $1.50 each?  Well that was a no brainer!  They are so unique and best of all, there are two.  Maybe I can convince 2nd Man for us to fill them with goodies next year, start a new tradition.  

Adults need candy and treats too, right?  


  1. What a cute and Awesome find. Very unique. Love them

  2. Yes they do and with a few presents inside, what could be better? I wish you lived closer as I am getting rid of many old splint baskets that are good for decorating or in the garden. I even found a signature in pencil on one of them. They sit in my antique booth and haven't sold one. I guess baskets aren't in vogue right now.

    1. Aww, nice of you to think like that. Baskets do seem to go through phases don't they?

  3. i found a bunch of vintage easter baskets this year and got them for 49 cents each. i filled them and wrapped them along with all the little porcelain rabbits and eggs i got at thrift stores too. people were blown away by their baskets!

  4. they are really nice,, our daughter has one like this,, really unusual!

    1. They were very different that's what drew me to them!! :-)

  5. Another great find! Love these! I like your idea of starting a new tradition.

    1. Thanks, I was excited when I saw them. New traditions, never too late for them right? Ha.

  6. Fantastic! And yes, adults need some goodies too!

  7. 1st Man,

    I'm sure you will convince 2nd Man to celebrate Easter filling these baskets with delicious candy.....maybe homemade??

    1. mmm, homemade candy now THAT sounds like a plan!!! Thanks!!!

  8. Humn I can see them filled with blown decoupage duck eggs....:)

  9. and if not candy, some other decorative items perhaps. lovely find, dear!

    1. thank you for that!!!! They are big enough to have a lot of items in them. :-)

  10. Cute! Those would look lovely in the pink/yellow room at the farmhouse.


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