
Tuesday, June 21, 2016


After the series of unfortunate events on Friday/Saturday, I thought I'd share some good stuff.  The garden is coming along nicely!

Homestead Tomatoes
These are the homestead tomatoes...the plant is covered in tomatoes and blooms...

Roma Tomatoes
What is this peaking out?  
This is on the Roma tomato plant and one is ripe!

Jalapeño Plant
And here are a couple of jalapeños almost ready too...

Herb raised bed
The herb bed is clicking right along, I trimmed all of these after I took the picture.  Always nice to have fresh herbs.  I harvested the purple basil for the first time and we haven't used it yet. Guessing it's the same as regular basil...

I didn't get the pictures, but the eggplants have bounced back and are doing well, and we have now added two okra plants to another empty bed.

I wasn't able to get the drip irrigation set up, just ran out of time after all the drama turned my "to do" list upside down.  Believe it or not, we have not manually watered the garden at all this season.  We've had enough rain and while I was worried about not watering this week (2nd Family will always help if needed), we had a nice rain Sunday and another shower today.  


  1. Your garden looks so good! Y’all are going to have some good, fresh eating.

  2. Everything looks wonderful. Nothing better than having fresh veggies from the garden.
    I have giving tomatoes away, eating some and cutting some up in chunks and freezing to be used this winter for chili. Some tomatoes I did have to throw away due to the fruit worm getting at em and making holes in the tomato :{
    My Roma's aren't ripe yet but have picked and gave away some Dragon Cayenne peppers to son in law and also picked and gave him a couple Habanero peppers and my Cherry tomato plant is loaded with tomatoes but no ripe ones yet but won't be long.

    1. I'm not sure if I could give away that much, we want to eat it all ourselves, ha. I need to start watching for critters.

      We only have the jalapeño growing but next season, we might just have a whole bed of all peppers....

  3. Hi....just a quick heads up, blog site Blue jeans and dirty gumboots, 19th June post, how to use old doors...AMAZING IDEAS..have fun looking guys.

    1. Thank you for that heads up, some great pics there! Thanks again!!!

  4. Your garden looks amazing. Purple basil self seeds prolifically! We have it everywhere and are making use to surround the tomatoes instead of buying marigolds. Same principle, confuses the bugs. I can't wait for the first tomato.

    1. Thank you! And I didn't know that about purple basil, thanks. And I didn't know that about the tomatoes. Thanks!!!! Here's to first tomatoes!! ;-)

  5. Those look delicious. Does 2nd family pick things that get ripe before you can make it out to pick them?

    1. We always give them that option, especially the herbs, cut them as they need them for dinner. I think they feel weird doing it but they are always welcome to.

  6. Oh, the first ripe tomato - always cause for celebration!! I wish I could say the same about the rain, but it has been sorely lacking around these parts in the past couple of months. I'm starting on the drip irrigation today; both I and my thirsty plants can hardly wait until it's done :)

    1. I hope you get some rain. We'll be putting in the irrigation this weekend so that it will keep on growing....

  7. I envy your tomatoes. Last year we found we had acrobatic chipmunks who could climb our tomato plants very easily. We never got a single tomato because they seemed to like them unripe just fine. This year we only planted cherry tomatoes since the stalks are smaller and don't offer enough support for them to climb. Enjoy all your farm goodness!

    1. Dang, I hope we don't get rabbits. Or birds. Thank you for the well wishes, and lots of farm goodness for you too!!!

  8. 1st Man,

    Same here with the watering, until last week when it stopped raining and now the heat is miserable. We go out and fill the bottles when they're low, then come in to cool down.

    1. Ugh, it's going to be a HOT summer for sure. We can only do so much and then have to take a break. Sta


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