
Friday, June 10, 2016


OK, so for non cool vehicle fans out there, this post might be boring but I just had to share.  So the other morning, as I was getting ready for work, I looked out the window and down at a parking lot nearby.  I love to people watch and see people coming and going to work.  What caught my eye this particular morning was a vehicle and people walking over to it and taking pictures. 

 I zoomed in with my phone camera and snapped this picture.  What was it?  Nothing I've ever seen...

I zoomed has a hatch on top!  
And some sort of periscope?!?

So of course, I told 2nd Man that on the way to work, I was going to grab my camera and stop to take some closeup pics.  So I did.  
Here it is up close from the front.  

Armored Vehicle
Here is the back (license plate blanked out for privacy of whoever owns it).  That spare tire is HUGE!  The whole vehicle is huge!

Armored Vehicle by Terradyne
It's in a matte finish black, which I'll admit, is kinda cool.  Would be neat to see more matte/flat colors on cars.

Terradyne Vehicle
This was tall enough that I could barely see in.  Check out those mirrors.  
What the heck?  This is where I discovered what it was called.  

It's a TERRADYNE armored vehicle, made in Canada (shout out to Canada for a really cool vehicle!).  What a great vehicle during a hurricane or flooding.  

Or the zombie apocalypse!

And lastly, unbeknownst to me, 2nd Man took out his camera and zoomed in on me being one of those people taking pictures!  

Looking at this photo, I think that vehicle could have run over my little red car like a speed bump...but hey, I KNOW I get better gas mileage!

We don't get anything in exchange for this post, just writing about a way cool vehicle that we'll never possibly own.  Of course if Terradyne is reading this, click on the email us button over there on the right side of the screen...hahahaha!



  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it cool? Practical? Probably not. Cool? Definitely!

  2. Really we now need armored vehicles? Sad....unless you are the police or fire department. They seem a bit like " look what I got man" to me. Over compensate or what?

    1. LOL, too funny!!! I think they sell these mostly to military and police forces (though the need for armored military in local police is another topic) but yes, I hear ya.

  3. Will need to have The Credible Hulk to lift and change them tires.
    Looks like an armored vehicle that drug dealers or Swat team might use or maybe just a storm chaser's new toy.
    It's quite the machine and expensive Big Boy's toy for sure

    1. Storm chaser, never thought about that. Yes, I wonder how you would change a tire. Of course, it probably wouldn't ever go flat, ha.

  4. Looks rather menacing to me! Who on earth would need a private vehicle like that except maybe a drug runner or for some other illegal activity? But, I would definitely want one during a zombie apocalypse! :)

    1. I think as expensive as they are, it's used by industry and military but who knows. Now in the ZA, yep that would be awesome!!!

  5. These are the kinds of vehicles that police departments have around here that are used by our govt. Doesn't look like a private vehicle. It is cool, though. I would be interested what kind of mileage it gets

    1. I've never seen any more around Houston and I do wonder what this one was doing here. Perhaps a celebrity with too much money, ha.

  6. When we lived in San Antonio in the 1990s there were several news stories of kidnappings of wealthy people's children or other family members for ransom in Mexico. This caused a demand for armored vehicles. The passengers also had bodyguards with them. It's a scary world. The idea of a storm chasing vehicle is much more appealing. More and more people are willing to risk their lives to get videos of storms. This might survive a tornado, hurricane or flood.

    1. Wow, that's an interesting perspective. Yep.I never thought of the storm chasing but that's a good point. Hope you are recovering nicely!!!

  7. now that is my idea of a cool vehicle. i'll have to look it up. i can't wit to see how expensive they are! interestingly, we have a lot of matte cars in this area.

    1. I thought it was really neat. Just different. Not sure I'd drive one daily, not even sure what I'd need one for, but it would be fun to drive once, ha. Matte finish? That's neat, it's an interesting look.

  8. wow - that is one heck of a truck! i did some searching and it is based on a Ford F-550 chassis with a base price of about $300,000USD....yowzers! i don't think it's a private vehicle but what the heck is it doing in your parking lot????? more info here:

    and if anyone is interested, just do a google search.

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

  9. I'm from Canada but never heard of it. I must have been under a rock or maybe couldn't care less about this monstrosity. Give me your little red number anytime.

  10. When I go to a car show, it is only because I am with someone who would pout if we did not go. However, I would like to see that truck in a car show or anywhere. What was it doing in your parking lot?

  11. That is such a Beast of a vehicle - and quite cool-looking!

  12. I am with you-- it's a zombiepocolypse car, err tank. Very cool!


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