
Thursday, June 23, 2016


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Tree platform, image via Pinterest
While this is an Oak tree (we believe) we have a few trees on the property that have a shape like this. And while this is a waaaay in the future dream, we saw this and it was one thing that we thought we'd love to have in one of the trees.  There is a large tree (mesquite) shaped like this that is very near the future pond site.  We were talking once about how cool it would be to have a perch up high to see the water from a higher elevation. 

So when we saw this picture, this is sort of what we pictured in our head.  A place to just sit and relax, above OR below.  Again, not in our near future but this is not only to share with others but to have a record of what we like.

Be inspired!


  1. This would be great at your Farm! I can see evenings watching the sunset, drinking a glass of wine, and feeling the cool evening breeze.
    The area underneath could be a nice covered area with a table.

    1. Amen to that! I love that idea. We really have a couple of great places this might be possible, but of course....someday!

  2. That is awesome.
    A couple of portable hammocks up there and no one would know you where there :}
    Was thinking same thing; having picnic table underneath or a nice bench

    1. Great idea! All sorts of possibilities with something like this.

  3. When I saw the finished area underneath, it occurred to me that maybe they deck was built to keep water from the underneath side. A picnic table and chairs, all sorts of stuff could be usable during rain or even a drizzle. I would take a nap up there.

    1. Oh, the naps that could be had, huh? Time will tell (and $$, ha)

  4. Not just an oak tree, but a live oak. :)
    Live oaks are gorgeous trees, and our Mississippi gulf coast once had quite a few of them. Katrina destroyed many, but there are still many more down there, including a famous one at the University of Southern Mississippi Long Beach campus, the Friendship Oak, which is over 500 years old:


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Now, let us hear from you!