
Saturday, September 10, 2016


Here is today's forecast...

Forecast image courtesy of
...and as this posts, it's off to the farm time.  I hope to get a few veggies in the raised beds for the start of a Fall garden, plant some other plants we got unexpectedly (more on that in another post), and beat the rain...

That might be it though because...

Forecast image courtesy of is the forecast for the rest of the weekend.  Pretty much a pretty good chance of rain every day.

Hope your weekend is off to a better start!


  1. We have had 8 days in a row with no forecast of rain. However, that was preceded by six weeks of rain forecast and rain most of the six weeks! Stay our of the lightning.

  2. Our wind really picked up speed early this morning around 5:15 and about 5 minutes after that we got a pouring down rain which lasted for 1/2 hour of which we received 1/2 inch. It started to clear off shortly after 6 so our rain sure didn't last long..
    Hope you manage to get some things accomplished before your rain moves in.
    Have a great weekend and watch out for them Pokémon critters :}

    1. We had some wind too. Ended up with an inch of rain. Not too bad. I got more accomplished than I realized I would, ha.

  3. hazy hot humid hell this weekend here; not going outside!

    1. The humidity just kills me. I can handle the heat when it's just that, but the humidity just makes things unbearable.

  4. I just checked radar - and yep, the rain is on the way. I need to plant some more in my garden before it arrives. Yesterday my local nursery got in Brussel sprouts, Dinosaur Kale, and Winterbor Kale - so that's going into the garden. Hoping you get some things done at the Farm today.

    A friend gave me a reminder yesterday to remember to be careful with approaching thunderstorms. He was trying to finish planting in his garden before the thunderstorm arrived - all of a sudden, he saw a big flash and was so close to the strike that he heard the sizzle. Yikes!

    1. Yikes is right! Wow....I've always hear, if you hear thunder at all, go inside. I heard it Saturday and put the stuff up in the shed and called it a day. The rain came about 15 minutes later, ha.

  5. We had a wet start, and today is (for the moment) just grey. We rarely get enough rain though so I am loving it.

    1. Hey, rain is the lifeblood of the planet, we need it whenever we get it (in moderation of course, ha).

  6. Addition to name to avoid confusion.
    That will be great timing with the coming rain to get your new plants off to a good start. Rainwater makes plants thrive so much better than watering with the town supply water.
    An interesting fact to consider for your health.....a university did some experiments and found that plants died when watered with cooled microwaved water, apparently microwaves alter the molecular structure, which of course affects food heated this way.
    Fingers crossed the rain holds off until you finish your farm activities.

    1. Thank you for all this info. Once we get a new roof, we're going to have rain barrels for extra watering during the dry times. I've heard that about plants and rainwater but not about the microwave. Very interesting! Thanks!!


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