
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Well, this came in out of the blue.  As I worked on clearing the area where our hive was and our future additional hives will be, we thought we should get a sign.  2nd Family often has visitors and while they are rarely on our property where the hives are, you never we thought it would be a nice reminder.

Caution Beehive Sign
Well, we had ordered this a few months ago but it was out of stock.  We actually forgot that we had ordered it until it was charged to our card and arrived in the mail.  A not needed right now reminder of our loss but also a reminder that we should persevere and keep moving forward.

We bought ours via Amazon, there are multiple signs and different styles, so there is something for everyone.  

Click here BEEHIVE SIGN at Amazon for the search if interested.

Bee Yard Sign
I stuck it in the ground where the hive is (this hive is the dead one which I need to take care of once the cooler weather arrives).  But I wanted to stick the sign in the ground anyway and see what it looked like.  It will be a nice reminder for visitors to be cautious in that area.

And now I think the beekeeping bug is slowly creeping back...but we have plenty of time to get ready.  If we order bees, we order in November but don't pick up until next Spring.  

One more thing for "the list", ha.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, it can't hurt, right? Plus it's kinda fun, ha.

  2. I am so glad you are continuing with your bee keeping. I am still toying with the idea of trying them at the lake.

    1. Yep, I'm pretty sure we're going to try again. Looking for more shady spots now. Bees, really are a pretty hands off livestock of sorts, hands off in that you don't really mess with them daily, you just check on things weekly, every couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, it's fun for sure, and serves a purpose...well, WILL at some point now, ha.

  4. Good idea about the bee hive sign.
    I’m so glad that you’re going to continue your beekeeping.
    I was wondering if you could construct a shade roof several feet above your beehives to keep down the heat in the middle of summer. The roof could be good quality shade cloth, which you could add in summer and then remove in cooler temperatures.

    On a funny note, Travis Herzog, the Houston Channel 13 meteorologist, posted this on his facebook page with the hashtag #FreeAutumn:

    Dear Spring and Winter,
    We think Summer kidnapped Fall.
    All of Houston


    1. t Amen Travis!! I'll pay a ransom, ha.

      I'm looking into some shade options but there are some great trees that might do the same too. We'll see, fingers crossed!

      Stay cool I think lower humidity is coming!

  5. Replies
    1. Definitely, already scoping out some sites. :-)

      Thanks, hope you are having a great week!!

  6. Great sign to have up.
    Might consider having the hives to where they receive the morning sun;
    ( getting the bees an early start ) and afternoon shade and might also consider building a caged area for the hives; keeping large critters from knocking them over; plus will give them some sort of wind break as well. In winter; if get cold temperatures, surround the hives with hay bales will also block the cold winds and giving the hives protection

    Keeping bee hive cool during heatwave

    1. Thank you for the great links, I'm off to read all about them. Love the idea of hay bales, will have to keep some of those around in the winter. And the article on keeping summer bees cool is perfect. thanks!!

  7. Ask glad you're not giving up. I loved hearing about the bees.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. We'll see but all signs point to yes, ha.

  8. Nice of you to put up nice signs for the bees to read!! Around here we sometimes see signs with this message: Slugs are kindly directed to the neighbours garden, this one is full!
    We learned so much about bees on our applesafari, that I have written about. Among other things we learned that if the bees are bewildered before establishing themselves, they may fly somewhere else than you want them to but if you direct them right they will stay faithful!! I am fascinated. Thank you for this inspiring post!!!

  9. I am so pleased that the bee bug is starting to stir again for you. It must have been a bitter-sweet reminder when the sign arrived though.

    1. It is stirring for sure. It was bittersweet, that's the word I was looking for. Thank you. Yep, we'll see. It's enough time to make all the right decisions. :-)

  10. a good thing to have a sign. keep trying; you will be successful!

    1. Persistance pays off, right? We keep our eye on the prizes, saving the bees and getting some honey!

  11. I still say several crape myrtles will provide plenty of respite from the heat. By trimming them so they have a canopy as opposed to being bushes, they provide a very cool and shady spot with FLOWERS to keep them happy. Yes, A shade several feet above them will definitely help. Supposedly, bees can remember which hive is theirs. Otherwise, they cannot find their home if there are even two hives.

    My picnic area was in full sun in the middle of the day. However, by three pm the neighbor's trees and bushes started to provide shade and heat reduction. Since I never invited people until 4 pm with actual meal at 6 pm, we had the benefit of shade and cool even in torrid weather. I did deliberately set up picnic area in full sun because of early spring and late fall need for a bit of warmth.

    I saw someone was painting simple pictures on the front of her multiple hives because bees get confused with hives alike. She had something like red flowers on one hive, green leaves on the other, simple child-like drawings. If you ever plan on two hives, I would start the first one with pictures/designs.

    1. Guess what we bought last weekend? A couple of crape myrtles!! I'm going to put them in the bee yard area. I like how you thought of using the shade and the sun for different reasons. And while I"m not that artistic, that's not a bad idea. I'll have to do some research, ha. Thanks!!!


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