
Monday, September 19, 2016


Busy weekend, a few projects done, more on those in the coming days. But this started out our weekend.  

Guess what this is?  Besides another side eye roll from 2nd Man, LOL!
It's my latest find, Friday night, downstairs in our building's trash/recycle area!!!

Someone threw away these two metal chairs!  We can't tell if they "tried" painting them pink (or peach?) but if they did, we guess the outcome was less than perfect and they gave up.  Or maybe they were outside on the balcony and the color faded over time?

Ignore the "watcher" cat at the end of the hall, he was worried about these two new additions to the apartment, 2nd Man probably told him to stare me down...but he got over it (the cat AND 2nd Man, LOL!).

Either way, their trash is our treasure!  Here they are at the farm this weekend.  You can tell the odd color (whatever you want to call it) in these sunlit photos.  Seeing these photos, they really look like they just faded...

But no worries, they are nice and sturdy and now I have a painting project on my hands for this Fall (when the weather is cooler).  We've posted several pictures of chairs in outdoor sitting areas over the years in our Inspiration Thursday posts, now we have to go back and pick a color!   

Rich red?  

Cheerful yellow?  
Calming blue?

We'll see in a couple of months when this weather finally cools down. 



  1. My guess is the current color was Salmon. Cool, calm blue gets my vote .

    1. Salmon is a great description of the color. And we're leaning toward blue. :-)

  2. You are the King of Great Freebies! Those are some very nice chairs. Congratulations on another super Find!
    As for color, I think it would depend on where you’ll place the chairs. If they will be in a place to relax, then blue. If in a party area, then red or yellow.
    I love your "Watcher Cat"! I wonder if 2nd Man has bribed him to monitor what you bring in!

    1. Ha, thanks. I think it's just the luck of the right place at the right time, ha. Watcher cat, yep, i think he's a spy for the other side, LOL!

      Another vote for blue.... ;-)

  3. I like the idea of the yellow with nice seasonal pillows. Gosh, you sure know how to spot discards and turn them into treasures. Good for you.

    1. A vote for yellow!! Seasonal pillows are a great idea. Still need to make this a treasure but we're gonna try. ha.

  4. I so envy you! Nice chairs! Are they wooden or metal. They look like metal from here. Choose a palette--jewel tones, pastels, primary colors? Stinging insects are attracted to yellow, so as much as I would like yellow furniture or pillows in my yard, it's too risky. White would be nice because you could see ants crawling on them. Okay, maybe you are not as freaked out about ants as I am. If I have to vote, I vote red. Or, maybe blue.

    1. Yep, metal, a very sturdy metal. I think these were expensive once upon a time. I didn't know that about yellow. Thanks for that. Ants don't freak me out too much but definitely no stinging things. :-)

  5. How, how lucky you where in getting them chairs.
    I have said before; cheap is good But Free is Better. :}
    Choice of color; red, white.
    Being they are metal, I would first put on a good coat of Rust-Oleum Spray Paint and then paint in your favorite color. The red and white would go good with your barns but one thing about red and yellow they fade quite badly if sitting out in the sun.
    For more of solid color, I would choose a very pretty blue color. Many colors to choose from that's for sure.
    Just to give you an idea on colors:

    1. What a great I'm more confused than ever, I want them ALL! LOL!!!! I think these will go in a different spot, by themselves, under the trees, so maybe blue. Thanks much!!!

  6. Love them! Free is always great too.

  7. I quite like their existing colour.
    Another excellent find.

    1. Well, they aren't bad but in person they are really faded, like three different shades. Faded probably. We'll see what they become!

  8. Go with that bright blue you've posted before!

    1. Blue seems to be the overwhelming favorite. I'm looking at them for sure!

  9. you seem to always be at the right place at the right time to grab the free things! blue!

    1. you should have seen me trucking them back upstairs. 2nd Man just rolls his eyes but lets me do what makes me happy, ha.

  10. it's just too bad that all of us don't have a trash/recycle area like you guys have at your building...but jambaloney's pretty good at getting stuff during large garbage pickup! i say - excellent find and although i want to say red...i think a deep hunter green would suit your landscape. can't wait to see what you do with them and where you put them! enjoy your great find!

    sending love to both of you! your friend,

    1. Hey you!!! Missed ya! Jam is THE man when it comes to finding stuff. I need him down here to help me do something with what I find, ha. Oooh, hunter green I hadn't thought about. Thanks for that suggestion!! And we'll have some red for sure elsewhere. :-)

  11. Replies
    1. Ha. it's hit and miss, of course if I could just be down there all day every day, no telling what I might find. Seems like the best stuff is when people move in or out.

  12. I love them! Not so much the color but all the rest of it.

    1. Ha, the color is a bit odd, probably looked better "new" but they are physically in great shape, just need a new coat of paint and a new life under some of our trees! Thanks!


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