
Friday, September 16, 2016


I got on the elevator last weekend after coming back from the farm and I was carrying this small basket of random veggies.  There was a lady already on there, young (late 20's maybe?) and she saw the basket.

"That looks good!" 

"Thanks, we have a place out of town with a garden and I'm just bringing back some of the harvest."

"Oh, you grew those in a garden?"


"That's so cool...I didn't know people still did that!"

The doors opened and I got off on our floor.  As I was walking down the hall, shaking my head, I was thinking yes, people actually do...


  1. you never know you might have planted a seed of thought :-)

  2. I guess she believes in the veggie fairy!

  3. Oh dear, if you see her again give her a packet of seeds. In fact why don't we all start handing out seeds to anyone under thirty.

    1. With an instruction manual. That young lady would likely add water and microwave the seed packet without one! Bless her heart.

    2. Susan, I like that idea, seriously!!

    3. Linda, that is too funny, and probably SO true!!! Love it!

  4. What a great post! I think I am the only one in our neighborhood who grows anything edible except for the one pear tree whose pears fall to the ground unused every single year, so it does not surprise me that people don't realize people other than dedicated farmers actually grow stuff.

    1. Thanks, isn't this so sad but true? And I've seen, in our old neighborhood, those fruit trees just like that...growing and producing but just neglected and letting that wonderful bounty of fruit waste away.

  5. Some are just amazed that there are some who do grow their own produce.
    That gal just needs to get out more and pay a visit to country life and get away from city life for awhile.
    I can almost bet that she didn't know 99 % of the items you had in your basket.

    1. It is like something that so many just don't know about much anymore. And yep, she probably didn't have a clue....

  6. I live in a very small city/town, 14K people. Within 1/2 mile is country. We are classified as rural. Yet, every time I mention chickens, people are amazed that I raise chickens and get eggs. The under thirty group squeals and become wide-eyed. I am the one who becomes wide-eyed after a while.

    You are probably as close to a farmer she has ever been.

    1. "Squeals and become wide-eyed..." that is too funny. And so true. When i mentioned bees I got the same reaction, ha.

  7. Wow what an eye opener

  8. Sigh. And she is not alone. Bigger sigh.

    1. Yep, for every one of us who understand, there are probably 10 more of her. Heavy sigh.

  9. Sad.....what hope do any future children have.
    Your food is the body's fuel, you wouldn't put kerosene in your Ferrari !

    1. It does make you wonder about the future and what it holds for fresh food. Will it all come from the likes of Monsanto? I hope not!

  10. I just read this to my spouse; his response - smack that stupid bitch! I second that; bimbo!

    1. LOL! You really made me laugh out loud, ha. I like your hubby! :-)

  11. OMG, I have no words. I'm not surprised of course, but I have no words.

  12. That is another example of being conditioned to think only food comes from a grocery store,why grow it if you can just go to the store and buy it.

    1. Perfect point. To some, probably many, it just magically appears, prepackaged and perfect looking, huh?

  13. BWAHAHA! Some people just don't have a clue do they. I find that with so many of my students, they just don't think about where the food comes from. Heck, I bet many haven't, sadly, even had fresh garden veggies. I like Susan's idea, let's hand out seeds! Monica

    1. Well, thank you for being a teacher, first of all, and yep, I like that seed idea. I see people in the elevator all the time. Might need to work on that.

  14. I feel for people who are so ignorant...not in the rude way but in the simple act of not knowing. As we get generation's further away from our farm roots the knowledge becomes lost to so many. Even here in farm country a surprising number of people do not garden, its to much work. Have you considered hosting a container gardening workshop in your building?

    1. Wow, what a good idea. Hmm...I will have to think about something like that. I should probably get some herbs and things growing on our balcony. Thanks for this!!! YOU have planted a seed for sure!! :-)


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