
Friday, November 4, 2016


There is a kitty snoozing away under this blanket...

Since he was a kitten, he's always liked sleeping under the covers.  Middle of the day, night, morning, it doesn't matter, he wants to be covered up...

It's Brisbane, our 16yr old...sleeping soundly...
The face of an angel...but awake, sometimes not so much, ha.

And this is what we call his "pink bunny".  
We don't even remember where it came from, some random cat toy...but he likes to have pink bunny with him wherever he's sleeping.

We roused him up a bit while taking photos but he just yawned, stretched and then rested his head on the edge of his cat bed and went back to sleep.

Not spoiled.  
At all.  


  1. Brisbane is just adorable!! And so cute with his pink bunny. It would be impossible to not spoil him.

    I have 2 older cats also - one is 17 and the other is 18. Completely inside cats, too. I always have to make sure I leave room for them with me on the recliner or else they are reminding me!

    Sweet Hugs to your Fur-babies!

    1. We hugged them for you. :-) Ours have always been inside only. And yep, we know what it means to make sure we leave room, ha. Hugs to your two as well.

  2. I have always looked for black cats to adopt over the years, as I have grown a fondness for their antics, along with them often being left behind in the animal shelters as people prefer to adopt all other cats. Of course I love any cat, regardless and your Brisbane looks so sweet with his Pink Bunny. i have 2 black females, Claire and Rylee. (names they were given at the shelter) They get along 90% of the time. That 10% can keep my husband and I on our toes. One thing we have noticed, they get along really well when they want to share the recliner with me, now that colder weather is here. They are inside only cats - wouldn't have it any other way. Claire has a favorite toy mouse - if we're lucky, we won't find it in the water dish. She really chatters and meows little bits when she's playing with it. Rylee prefers the toys on a stick with a long cord. She will attack your pull strings on your sweatshirt if you don't tuck them in. She will attempt to find them if she knows the shirt you are wearing has them. She doesn't forget. Thanks for sharing your pics of Brisbane - he looks like he is quite contented. Ranee (MN)

    1. That's so awesome! And since you may be new to the blog, we have an all black cat too (his name is Hobart)! I'll get a picture of him up soon. He's our big silly kitty and he's a big goofball for sure. As for Brisbane, when he was younger, we had this squeaky electronic furry mouse. He loved that thing but about once a week, we'd come home to find it floating in the water bowl. So we'd buy another. A week later, same thing. Then we'd replace it. Did that about 5 times until we realized we had spent almost $50 total for them. Thanks for the kind words!!

  3. awwww, so sweet,, with the little bunny,,

    1. He does love his pink bunny. He's a sweetie, most of the time. Ha. Sometimes he's a cranky old man too, LOL!

  4. Way too cute!!!

    We have two kitties. Now that it is getting colder in New England; they are in Winter Mode. They each have a heating pad under a blanket that they sleep on all day long. lol

    1. We need to think of a heating bad for him for sure. He's old enough and moves a bit stiffer in cold weather. I think he'd like that. Problem is, he's a cord chewer. Might need to figure out how to hide the cord under the couch, ha.

  5. Our cats aren't spoiled either. Indeed they believe (and tell us) that they are seriously underprivileged). Nice to see another cat sleeping with a toy. Somewhere there is a photo of me asleep, with a cat under my chin, (also asleep) with his gonk under his chin.

    1. That's adorable. They do make us feel like we mistreat them don't they? I love talking to them and saying "oh you poor babies are SO mistreated....", ha. He really does love to have his toy in the bed.

  6. Right, when I die I'm putting my request into the big guy to come back as one of your cats!!!

  7. That is so cute, I know a few dogs that have cuddly toys but didn't think about cats wanting one.
    I picked up my girl last Monday, she is a 5 year old retired Devon Rex breeding queen, white, cream, apricot and smoke grey. She has settled in well and took to sleeping in my bed on the second night.I will have to see what she might like for a cuddly pal.She has become my little shadow and is very affectionate .
    I am sure your boys will find all the best warm spots around the apartment when the weather gets cold.

    1. They do, I think maybe if they've been with it since they were kittens, it might mean more to them. Yay for you getting your new baby! She sounds like a beauty! I love when cats follow us around. It's so sweet. Give her kisses!!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks! They do get into our hearts quickly don't they?

  9. I think it is very telling that cats and dogs like to have "someone" to take to bed and to cuddle. We all need to give a snuggle to someone.

  10. I am a dog person who has never owned a cat. Shelby the dog does not sleep with me but she is my constant companion during the day I love her except for the times she tries to kill me by tripping me. From nose to tail she occupies about 6 feet of floor space when stretched out. Often when I am stepping over her she decides to rise and I nearly ( or do) fall. Not good Maybe I should try cats

    1. HA, she sounds like a big puppy! It's funny that you mentioned her being underfoot, because of her size of course, our other cat is a king at tripping...he walks so close to our feet and then just falls over in front of you when you're walking. We're determined he's trying to do us in and take over the house, LOL!

  11. Just darn right Adorable. They can be very entertaining

    1. Entertaining is a great way of putting it, ha. But we love them like crazy!


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