
Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I posted an image of this a couple of years ago but it was in the background of another I thought I'd give it its own post now for those new to the blog too...we love it.

Kitchen wisdom
I bought it for 2nd Man as a birthday gift...or anniversary?  Valentines Day?  Christmas?  It was one of them for sure, ha.  It now hangs directly over the stove at the farm so we can both be reminded of the important things (and reminds me to help wash).  

So it got us to wondering, anyone have any witty or neat kitchen/cooking sayings?


  1. From a round wooden plaque hanging on the wall above my grandparent's stove: Kissin' don't last, cookin' do.

  2. I and collect cute kitchen signs

    The  Kitchen is the heart of the Home
    Bacon is the Duct Tape the kitchen
    Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven
    It's Wine O'clock
    Was born to have a Maid, not be one.
    God blesses this kitchen but He doesn’t clean it….!!
    I like hugs and I like kisses, But what I’d love…is help with the dishes !!
    If you want breakfast in bed….sleep in the kitchen !

    Welcome to my Kitchen...
    Operating Hours:
    Monday — closed
    Tuesday — no service
    Wednesday — half day
    Thursday –out shopping
    Friday — day off
    Saturday — eat out
    Sunday — day of rest

    1. What an great thing to collect. I love them all, thank you so much. I might just have to craft one someday. Love the days of the week, ha.

  3. Gotta love advice in the kitchen!
    I have three kitchen sayings hanging in my kitchen. The first is a beautiful sampler that says

    "Oh God of New
    Beginnings and Second Chances,
    here I am


    The other is a little plaque that reads "life is uncertain; eat dessert first"

    And the last hangs from the window over the kitchen sink "I cleaned yesterday. Sorry you missed it"

  4. I have two sayings:

    'Joy grows in contented hearts'. I like to think stomachs as well.

    'With persistence comes success'. A gift from my young son, and I thought he liked my cooking. LOL.

  5. I don't have any kitchen signs, but I love yours.


  6. "feed the cats first if you value your life" - motto at my house

  7. I'm a firm believer that: Bacon makes everything better!

  8. I have one that reads: "A clean house is the sign of a dull woman!"

    It used to mightily offend my late MIL, who was the best housekeeper I have ever known, and who was, in all fairness, quite charming!

    1. That is great and what a sweet comment about your MIL.

  9. Nothing's quite as tactful as humor, :)


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