
Tuesday, December 27, 2016


This year has been particularly bad when it comes to celebrity deaths.  So many of them shocking, sudden, and unexpected.  

Of course that is as death often does.  

But when they come to our childhood heroes, our idols, the people that create the music that is the backdrop for a part of our life, well, then it's as if a little piece of our childhood is left behind.

Carrie Fisher.  

Actress.  Screenwriter.  Author.  She has a lot of jobs behind her name and deservedly so, but for millions, probably hundreds of millions, myself one of them, she will always be Princess Leia.  In the most recent movie, she had changed titles to General Leia.  And that's fitting, she was always kind of a bad ass in both her on screen roles and in her personal life.  She had struggles but was always open about those struggles, hoping that if someone could learn from them then something good would come of it.

I met her at a Star Wars convention once, in a childhood far, far away, and she was as nice and pleasant and friendly in person as I could have hoped for. This was even at the height of her Star Wars popularity but again just down to Earth and ever so sweet to a starstruck little boy meeting a "real life Princess" from a galaxy far, far away.  

The remaining movies will be missing a piece of their heart.

George Michael.  

Singer.  Entertainer.  Pop superstar.  Again, tragically, living a troubled life off stage but never letting that affect him onstage.  What a show he could put on.  I had the joy of seeing him twice in concert.  I saw him when he was one half of WHAM! and it was the first concert that I EVER went to.  What a memory.  What a concert.  Then I saw him a few years later, though from the nosebleed section of the arena, when he had his Faith world tour.  One of the best concerts I've ever seen.  What a beautiful man and what an amazing voice.  

He was just about to start work on a new album, now silenced far too soon

It sucks getting older...


And now we have lost the iconic actress Debbie Reynolds, one day after her daughter.  No words.

Can 2016 just end early?  


  1. I always loved Carrie's candor about her life, her struggles, her famous parents. One of those people you would love to have dinner with. George got me through a tough divorce in the 80's. He was my guy many a rough night. Nice pics of them both.

    1. Amen, she had some struggles but was always so open about them. She lived a life few of us can imagine but she lived it on her terms that's for sure. And George got a lot of us through some tough times.

  2. This year the Grim Reaper has been working overtime culling our celebrities hasn't he? So many of them...

  3. at least they won't have to live through trump.

    1. Never thought about it like that. Sad but true.

  4. David Bowie, Alan Rickman. I know it sounds tacky, but it feels as though a part of my life has gone too.

    1. Oh I Know, it's too sad this year. Not tacky at all, we all lose part of ourselves... :-(

  5. It does suck and it sneaks up on you so fast. You know you are getting older, then, omg how did I get so old so fast. It is sad when it happens before their time and if I can still get around and remember my name, then I won't be ready to go there for quite some time. I think the one that shocked me most was Laura Nyro. She and Joni Mitchell were such a part of my life.

    1. I feel the same way, it just seems so unfair but then we are all getting older. I hope it's a long time for all of us.

  6. So sad - gone way too soon. They brought much joy to our lives.
    And now Carrie's mom, Debbie Reynolds died this evening.

    1. I know, way too soon, so much left to do. And yep, I updated the post to add Debbie just because it makes it all so more tragic.

  7. Hi! New to your blog! I totally agree; I think George Michael hit me the hardest of the recent ones. Despite his lifestyle. My hubby stood in line for Carrie's autograph last year at ComiKaze for over 7 hours, and when he got to her, he said she was out of her mind stoned and couldn't coherently answer a simple question, so we weren't surprised by her early demise. :(

    1. Thank you for sharing. And welcome to the blog!!!

  8. There have been way to many deaths this year. It makes me sad. I hope 2017 doesn't continue this trend.

    1. I know, everyone hopes it will be better but who knows. Fingers crossed for better!!!

  9. Replies
    1. So many celebrities have passed away this year. Listing of all those who have passed away this past year.
      Gone But Not Forgotten.

    2. Wow, that list had some I didn't know about either. This was a bad year. Here's to a better 2017!!!

  10. Oh so beautiful, 1st Man, I did some posts both on Carries birthday and on this disastrous occasion. Yes, our childhood and teenage heroes fade away, as they have for our parents before us! I remember my mother telling me that she went to the movies to see, the Giant? It was James Deans last film anyway and her male company didn't tell her about his carcrash until after the movie! She was devastated. I feel the same this year, many of my beloved celebrities are gone, last year we lost Leonard Nemoy too. Gone but not forgotten, that was good thinking Colleen. Every loss is a tragedy , but some takes away the light for a while, for quite many people. Hopefully, the end of this year will rush on . Happy New Year to you!!!

    1. Oh thanks for this. Leonard Nimoy was so sad. We're Trek fans from way back (and Star Wars of course). It's like you said, just like our parents lost part of their childhood memories, we too lose ours. The light does dim for many people but we must continue on...Thanks and heres to a better 2017!

  11. These people helped shape our culture as we know it. The losses are always sad, especially of favorites.

    1. Yep, they do shape our culture. I've always thought that their loss is like a small tear in the cultural blanket that wraps us all. We all have our favorites. Sigh. Thank you!!!!!


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