
Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Yesterday, I posted HERE about Christmas Day dinner...

Texas tamales
So today I thought I'd share our Christmas Eve dinner.  This is sort of a Christmas Eve tradition for us, tradition at least from the last few years.  In Texas, tamales are hugely popular at the holidays and so we've adapted that into our tradition.  Occasionally we'll have beans and rice with it but this year we just had the tamales (saving room for Christmas Day, LOL!).

Christmas Eve tamales
We like to cover them with red and green salsa (Christmas colors!).  Now before you ask, we didn't make these tamales (though both of the salsas are homemade).  No, these were homemade by one of our dear friends who has actually promised to have us over sometime in January to help her and her mother make another batch.

Who knows, hopefully next year, they WILL be homemade!


  1. Oh my, those look delicious!
    I am looking for someone who makes them regularly to teach me. Nothing beats home made tamales, but it is a skill I have not developed.

    1. Homemade tamales are incredible. These are among the best we've ever had. We're hoping we might learn the techniques, ha. Stay tuned!

  2. Adopting traditions and building on them is wonderful. I do hope that next year your tamales are home made.

    1. Thanks, that's what makes traditions become so personalized. And yes, we hope they are homemade as well. We'll see!!

  3. I love tamales at Christmas - and any other time!
    Your upcoming tamale-making lesson sounds like fun!

    1. Tamales are a wonderful thing this time of year. And good ones any time of year, ha. Tamale lessons will be interesting to say the least.

  4. I love tamales. I made them once and never again. It took all day.

    1. LOL, I hear ya. That's the kind of stories I've heard, my friend and her mother actually made 25 dozen one night after work. THOSE are the secrets we want to learn ha.

  5. tamales are really easy to make and we love them! they are good with so many different fillings! they are like mexican perogies!

    1. I love that description, so accurate huh? Yep they are wonderful. Can't wait to have some hands on time.

  6. Me not a big fan of tamales but many will wait in line for hours just to get their hands on one, some, or many.
    Place in Fort Worth where customers have placed orders weeks before Christmas and will stand in line for hours just to pick up their order.


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