
Saturday, January 7, 2017


 For us anyway...

Our coldest weather in FOUR years...feels like 9 degrees, yep, that's REALLY cold for us.

We had sleet and snow flurries (very scattered) yesterday and today is clear...and COLD.  This is what they call "pipe busting" weather for our part of the country with temps below freezing for a couple of days. 

Thankfully, the farm house pipes are still drained and the water is shut off.  Several bridges and roads around the area have iced over, so we'll be staying in town today where it's nice and warm...

...and I get to wake up to homemade pancakes covered with butter and still using Jaz's gift of Pennsylvania Maple syrup...

Life is good!


  1. Sounds like it. I've been staying in for two days and am stir crazy. -3 degrees at the farm last night. Misery. I'm at the city house and the lake out back is frozen over. Been feeding the water fowl cracked corn and dog kibble on top of the ice. When we lived in Bellaire, we sometimes didn't even have to turn on the heater, but it once got down to 10 degrees and our pipes froze. Did I say I don't like winter?

    1. Minus 3? I hear ya bout Winter. I like the Winter here, but would't like the frozen lakes and snow drifts and below zero temps, ha. Be warm!

  2. that sure is cold for you! we are freezing here too! glad you are still enjoying your maple syrup! there nothing quite like it is there? it will be sugaring off season here before you know it!

    1. The PA syrup is wonderful! Think of you guys all the time! Thank you!

  3. I'm in PA and all my real maple syrup comes from canada. go figure!

    it is currently 19F here at 3p. we just had another 2" of snow on top of yesterday's 2" of snow. ain't going outside!

    1. LOL! You need to go visit Jaz over at Octoberfarm blog (she's in our sidebar list) she can tell you where to buy! :-)

      Snow, I'd love to see it like that here just once but I hate the thought of having to still go out in it to go to work and the store.

  4. Baby it's hot here!
    Mid to late 30's.

  5. Echoing MaryJo. And I prefer the cold. It is easier to get warm and stay warm than the opposite.

    1. I have always said that too. You can cover up and get warmer but if you're hot and start taking everything off, you can still be nekkid AND hot, LOL!!!!!!!

  6. Yep, give me some of that cold. Up coming forecast is as high as 45C (113F) in some parts. Hate this heat!!

  7. It is overly chilly here today, but according to the weather people it is supposed to be in the 70's by the end of next week. I am not putting my flip flops away this year.

    1. Yep, warming up here and supposed to rain and be near 80 this weekend. Sigh.

  8. It's 22 degrees here! A few days ago I was in flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt! Oh my, those pancakes look delicious!

    1. Same here, we were 80 last week and 19 this weekend. Back up to near 80 this weekend. It's impossible to plan for this, ha.

  9. Hi, here is cold too, just a little colder than in your place :)
    It's about -18 C or -3 F. I had made a cake for orthodox Christmas yesterday. I can't stay at my garden cottage in that weather.

    1. Wow, that's cold for sure! I bet your cake was delicious!! Stay warm and dry and safe!

  10. yes, it's cold but like I keep telling my husband; It could always be worse.
    We know this cold spell won't last forever but I myself, will be looking forward to a bit of warmer days ahead.

  11. It actually IS 9 degrees here this morning - and now I am going to make some pancakes!!!!

    1. NINE? That's cold too!!! Hope you got those yummy pancakes!!

  12. Really pretty pictures of the frosty ice. They just make me appreciate even more being inside where it's warm. I'm so glad that tomorrow it will be near 70!

    1. Better to be inside that out in it, ha. Yep, warm and humid again soon. Gotta love our "Winter".

  13. Talked to my cousin in Iowa and she mentioned their high was 2 deg. with blowing winds

    1. Two. For a high. Brrr.....and that blowing wind is horrible in any cold weather. Makes it feel even worse.


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