
Sunday, January 8, 2017


"J" from 2nd Family sent us these photos of our yard and driveway at the farm.  It's not snow of course, but frost/ice.  We're still in the 30's today and the low last night was about 21...  

I guess whatever green was left in the yard and trees is gone for sure after this weekend.  We're supposed to be back up to the upper 70's in a few days. 

Stay warm!


  1. That's cold for there. Once, there was a dusting of snow when we lived down there, and all the kids were making tiny miniature snowmen on the hoods of cars. Ice storm coming the end of the week here. My worst fear.

    1. Mini snowmen...ah yes, I think anyone who's grown up here has made one at least once in their live. Snow is rare isn't it? I'm like you though I worry so much about ice, it's so dangerous and can make things a disaster with electric lines, and pipes and tree branches, etc. Hang in there, stay safe and warm!

  2. Replies
    1. JOHN!!! Thank you so much! I'm at your blog every day, sometimes a couple times depending on your posts. Thanks for stopping by!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR. to you and the Prof!

  3. currently 21F here with 4" of snow on the ground and the wind is howling. YUCK!

    1. Yikes, that cold blowing wind is so biting and makes things feel worse, Stay warm!

  4. The upside is that you definitely won't have to mow anything right away. Stay home, eat soup, and read!

    1. Amen to that, it will ALL be dead/dormant now. I read a lot it was nice!

  5. We do not have much snow, but it is cold here- in the teens. It is supposed to start to warm up this week and bring along rain. Stay warm.

    1. Isn't the weather crazy? We're getting warm too and storms and rain this weekend. Sigh.

  6. Pancakes with butter and maple syrup - mmm! So good on a very cold day!

  7. Can I swop our 35+oC for your cold please...? :D

    1. I had to convert that, 95 degrees (F)?? WOW! Definitely peak Summer for you. Hey, next Summer when we are there, maybe we can trade back and forth, ha. Hang in there and stay cool!!!


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