
Thursday, January 12, 2017


Every Thursday, we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Fire ring, image courtesy of
One of this year's for sure projects is to get a fire ring in place.  Not sure if we'll make it in time for more cold weather this season (if we even have any, ha) but there are times we can have cool weather in March and even into April.  Our main goal is to have it ready for SURE for next Fall.  That's part of a bigger plan for this year, more time to just relax and enjoy things at the farm...but more on that later.  Anyway, we're still gathering ideas and we like this look.  

The stones are really neat for sitting and look very "Stonehenge", but of course we understand from a practical standpoint that they are probably not very comfortable.  However, we do like the idea of a cleared out area and having some native plantings scattered about.  We'll probably lean toward Adirondack chairs for seating, but we'll see.

Be inspired!


  1. Fire pits are nice. Our son in law built one using border blocks.
    Them large boulders are nice for looks only, but chairs in variety of different colors would be more effective as they can be picked up and moved more-so then the boulders.

    1. besides chairs; benches would also be nice.
      hey, why not add a Big screen TV as well. :}

    2. I thought about that, no way to move them if it's too hot or too cold, ha. And that movie screen in that one pic is AWESOME ha. Thanks for the email as well. Lots to think about.

  2. low benches/chairs are movable too. Incase the fire is too hot or not hot enough :)

    1. Yep, great idea!!! Sometimes they do need to be closer don't they? Especially on the cold nights when a fire is so nice!

  3. Very cool look. I think the comfort level of stone seating would probably increase with the amount of natural padding the sitter had on their posterior. There is a house on the lake that has large tree trunk sized upright logs around their fire pit. It is cute, but I think even treated they would be swarming with critters. (I have no actual knowledge though)
    I found this pretty interesting other project that a I thought I would pass along to you. We are seriously thinking of putting this at the lake place for the granddaughter.

    1. LOL! TOO FUNNY!!!! I understand. Yep, I sat on a tree stump once, just to take a break for a moment, got ants on me. Ugh. That video is great! Love that idea. dang, don't get me thinking about something else now, ha!

  4. This will be a great place to relax and enjoy those toasted marshmallows - with the "Smorstix" or just a local stick!

    1. It will be nice and yep, we'll have to grab some sticks. Real ones, ha. Although mesquite might not be the best choice, LOL!

  5. I love that fire ring!! Clean, pared down but useful. And I'd go for the chairs. As you age, muscles become stringy & all the padding migrates to the stomach where it's no help at all.

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  7. I dragged lots of stones, some that size to my yard, up a slight incline to the road and up to my house by way of another incline and around a corner. Even when I was younger, sitting on rocks for leisure was not a thing I would do. About the critters, I like light colored furniture outdoors so I can see the ants crawling around on the furniture. That is a great picture! I gave away my Adirondack chairs since I cannot get out of one and neither can my friend who comes to visit. I started thinking about it and realized that probably none of my friends can rise from one either without a lot of effort.

  8. 1st Man,

    I've always enjoyed sitting out on the property with a fire going in a ring or a Chimenea.


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