
Tuesday, February 28, 2017


After going to the farm recently, we realized we didn't have any large umbrellas out there.  A few weekends before that, it was getting overcast and I was about 5 acres from the house when it started to sprinkle.  I thought I was going to beat the rain but I didn't and I had to sprint up the driveway to the house.   

That got us to thinking...what if we, or our guests, were going to or from their cars or just walking around outside and it started raining?  Or what if one of us wanted to walk to check out something and got caught in the rain like I did?  

It would be nice to have a large umbrella on hand... the other day at the grocery store (of all places) they had these large umbrellas for sale.  Only $6 each!  They have the flag of our Lone Star State on them which makes sense here in Texas of course.  

Texas Lone Star Umbrellas
And they are large (like everything in Texas, ha).  They are called "golf umbrellas" so they are a nice size to keep you dry even in a downpour.  We bought four of them, figuring that was enough for us to each have one if we were out walking the property and still have a couple of backups for guests, though I might pick up just a couple more.  Six is a good number, right?  Ha. 

Anyone else have guest umbrellas?


  1. Those umbrellas are awesome. Now you need to find an umbrella stand or better yet, an old farmers milk can for your umbrellas.
    I do have a large one that I keep in the house and then we have a couple in the truck and I keep a smaller one in my purse.
    Never can have too many umbrellas especially with Texas wind when they blow inside out or end up breaking. Broken umbrellas; something I always find a use for and never thrown away.

    1. OOH! MILK CAN! I love that idea!!! Thanks!

      And yep, I have a small one in the glove compartment, one in my office, another one floating around in the cars somewhere....and I think I even have a broken one, ha.

  2. Yes, I do have guest umbrellas--the wonky ones with one side hanging down. Every single time someone chooses my best umbrella, the umbrella gets ruined or taken never to return again, despite promises. It seems there is no reason to protect Linda's umbrellas, just lend them to someone else and forget who that was.

    So, now I impolitely take my good umbrella from the borrower and give them a broken down umbrella. I have umbrellas by the door, but that does not mean you can take what you will and disappear to your car. I have some in the door pockets of the car. Inevitably, someone will want the hounds tooth one on my side of the car. Yes, I love hounds tooth, too. That is why you cannot use it.

    Worst excuse--my three-year-old broke it when she was playing.

    I do love those umbrellas! I would have bought several. I bought three pink floral umbrellas for $3 each and have a wonky one left.

    1. Hey, that's not a bad idea, ha. We'll make sure we remember that it's only to walk them to their car, ha. LOL!

      Houndstooth? That's neat!!

  3. Ooooo! Now you need to rig one up onto the Zen Machine for shade!

  4. Hooray for big umbrellas. In the rain, and for shade...

    1. You know I never thought about shade, that's a good point.

  5. Good buy. You do seem to have luck on finding deals.

    1. HEB, a Texas grocery store chain, just had a big display stand full of them. It just seemed like too good a deal to pass up, especially for such a large nice umbrella.

  6. Giant umbrellas are fantastic both for sun and rain. Great buys and they are nice looking too!

    1. Thanks! As I said up above, I never thought about them for sun too, now I DEFINITELY think we need a couple more. And a milk can! ;-)

  7. I love the patterns on those. They will be great for the weather.

    1. The Texas flag is a pretty neat looking design. And doe fit nicely on an umbrella. Thanks!!!

  8. I really like your large umbrellas - and you got them at a great price! And they have a Texas theme. You have a nose for good deals!

    1. I just stumbled across it at the store (HEB) so I was lucky there, ha.


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