
Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Well, after much soul searching and looking at lists of things we need to do this year, we have decided to hold off on bees this season.  

Bee on flower, see you next year
As much as I want to jump back into it, I need to devote the right time to it and be able to make sure their new homes are perfect in every way possible.

The original plan was to spend the weekends this Winter getting the new bee yard set up and rearranged.  But working on the orchard, in between unexpectedly rainy and freezing weekends, took longer than planned.  Now it's already time to start working on the garden and if we ordered bees, it would be time to pick them up at the end of March first of April.  

As such, we haven't had a chance yet to relocate the hives and we wanted to have some flowers and perennials planted for them too.  As for things to do, we still have to work on the flower beds around the house and outside of garden, a new fence needs to go up, we need to do some work on the house itself, a couple of big clearing projects to do as well.  There is just a lot to get done and we don't want to run out of time to do all of that either.

It's just another year.  That will be here before we know it.  Heck, this time last year I had just put in the second hive (which subsequently succumbed to CCD).

Now I can trim trees around the future 'new' location of the hives and use power tools that make lots of noise without bothering the bees.  


  1. That sounds sensible.

    A suggestion--get many packages of flowers and walk about your property sowing them in areas you do not mow. My neighbor just held the package and flung the seeds out in long rows. They overlapped and the result was stunning. The beauty is that the imperfection and intermingling of the edges of the different kinds of flowers, the haphazardness was/is indescribable. You could do this in bits and pieces over days. I suppose you don't need a description since Lady Bird decorated your state with flowers.

    1. Thanks! I like that idea too. I wonder if they'd just pop up? I suppose it's the law of numbers...the more you throw out the more chances of a few popping up. I will look into that. I know it would be just beautiful.

  2. I used to do one major garden thing a year. Goldfish pond one year, brick wall the second, etc. It just keeps you from biting off more than you can chew which cuts down on the frustrations. Just weeding is my biggest chore. It will all look beautiful one day and the bees will come regardless.

    1. I like that. Thanks. I might just change to a place like that, maybe make it seasonal too. Yes, bees will find their way. ;-)

  3. sound and sensible advice from both commenters above. 1st Man - it has taken us 6yrs to figure out that we were biting off more than we could chew every year. we now know what we can and cannot handle in regards to our garden and we aren't going to plant every known thing to man this year - bahahah! we are backing off and planting what we love. we are also planning to build an addition to the house this year and that is going to take a lot of work as well.

    i read some blogs and cannot believe all of the stuff that people are doing - it's a lot of hard work and the honest bloggers admit as much. we are pacing ourselves this year and i think the decision that you and 2nd Man have made about the bees is a very good and intelligent decision.

    sending much love to you both, as always! your friend,

    1. thanks for this. Yep, even with you living there and seeing it day to day you understand what's doable and what's not. I am one of those who loves it all and wants it all sooner...I just have to pace myself, ha. That's why we have decided what we did. And we're pacing ourselves too. Focus on what we know we can grow and not overdo, and focus on what we can get done. Thanks!!!!!

  4. I love the way you plan things! If I would start planning more, I might get something accomplished! :) :)

    1. LOL, thanks, I'm good at planning but sometimes I "over plan". But hey, we'll all get there eventually, right? Hang in there! :-)

  5. I am an excellent planner but not a great follow througher. Life throws curveballs and plans have to be shelved, so I have decided I want to complete one project weekly. Big ones will take more than a week but I can fill in with a little project also__maybe.

    1. Amen to that. I guess I do follow thru but I have too many sometimes and then can't follow them all thru, ha. I like your plan, I'll remember that. Maybe one big one over a month.

  6. It is important to know your limits and be able to read when the time is right. I think we all want everything yesterday when you have a big canvas to fill and paint. It's not the bees time yet, and when it is it will be better. Best to take your time, do the task well and enjoy the process than end up rushed, sore and disappointed.

    1. Thank you I like the canvas description. Great way to think about it. Sometimes I do feel like we have to rush then I realize we have all the time In the world (knock on wood, ha). Thanks!!!

  7. It can't have been an easy decision to make - but sounds like a great one. And the years roll by at lightening speed. It will be lovely next year when everything is ready for the busy bees without overworking or stressing you out.

    1. Yeah, it's tough but since we're dealing with living creatures too, we want to do right by them. Thank you for the kind words!!

  8. It's all about pacing yourself! Don't feel badly, just enjoy the beauty of working with the land. I'm more excited about the orchard than the bees, any way! :-)

    1. Ha, thanks for this! Yep, to be honest, now that they are in and (hopefully) growing well, I'm kind of excited about them too, ha. Update after this weekend.

  9. Good decision to hold off on the bees for another year. Your plate is so full of other things that you wouldn’t have the proper time for them. It’s better to get it done right rather than fast. And you gotta leave some time just to relax and enjoy your beautiful Farm!

    1. Do it right the first time, right? We're going to make sure this year we stop and enjoy it more often than working and wearing ourselves out. Of course, I don't mind being worn out this weekend can't wait for garden planning.

  10. I'm sad for the lack of bees but love that you're going to create a garden home for them. I think that's wise.

    1. I know but we'll get them and do it right. We want them to have a beautiful home. Happy bees!!!

  11. 1st Man,

    You have a plan! You've set priorities, and soon you'll have your bee's. Next year seems to be the perfect time for both of us to have bees :-)


    1. We have a plan, that's the most important thing right? And we'll have bees next year at the same time I LOVE that!!!! congrats!!!

  12. So enjoy your blog...thanks for all you do to take us along on your journey. I've been thinking about you and Second Man lately because of this extremely interesting book I'm reading. Think you might enjoy it, too,..great bed-time reading: The Book of Bees, by Sue Hubbell. She's a very experienced bee-keeper, now professional. Lots of fascinating tips about keeping bees healthy and happy, and a nice musing on all the reasons she loves them. Here's a link to the book on Amazon:

    1. Well hello!!!! And thank you SO much for the sweet words. Wow what a great book, I'm looking into that. Will keep you posted. Post things like that anytime, we appreciate it!

      Thanks again and don't be a stranger, come back and visit!!


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