
Thursday, March 2, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Image via Pinterest
As many of you that are regular readers know, we're always looking for ideas of places to sit and relax (and we're slowly working on a few spots like that). What never crossed my mind though is that a place to relax doesn't have to be permanent.  It doesn't have to involve big heavy place to clear and plant doesn't even have to seat 12 or 20.  In fact, it can be portable and need only have a seat for one.  

Saw this online recently and love it.  A folding table and a folding chair.  Simple.   And portable.  All I'd have to add is a glass of 'something' to drink, a refill bottle or pitcher, a snack, and then all I'd have to do is find is a scenic place to set it all up. I'm looking online for something similar to this that I could order or pick up.  I'd get two chairs of course, but with this, we could hang them all on the walls of the barn and then when I need a place to take a break, I can set it up just like this (maybe I could even get 2nd Family's cat to come visit, ha).  

Be inspired!


  1. Glider. I have a baby blue antique one that can lean back for a bed, but they make new retro ones. You'll be in nirvana as you glide and watch the world go by. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it. The birds, contrails....snore.

    1. Wow, thanks for that....I'll have to remember that. I would love to doze off outside like that...can say I haven't done that at the farm yet!

  2. I do like the fold up table and chairs as pictured as it makes for easy storing away during the winter months, plus easy enough to move around from place to place in the yard wherever needed.
    Now, bring on a beer or glass of wine.
    The only good beer is a cold beer :}

    1. I never thought about it for weather too, good point, can keep it up and clean from the elements. I'd have to do wine, not a big beer drinker, though on a hot day, an ice cold beer is kinda good!

  3. I like movables also. There is something whimsical about being able to set things up in different places.

    1. That's what we were thinking too. I've been shopping online, it would be nice to just move them around to the best views!

  4. Perfect idea. I recognize the table. We have one that we purchased from Ikea. My husband sets up his oil paints on it. When he painted outside it was easy for him to set up. Now he sets it up when he paints in the 2nd bedroom here. It stores away easy too.

    1. IKEA!!!!! Thanks, there is only one of those in Houston but I drive right past it on the way to the farm. I'm off to the Ikea website!! Thanks!

  5. Oh, I love this idea. Spontaneous and portable with minimum effort - perfect!

    1. Spontaneous, that's a great word to describe it. Thanks!

  6. A combination of big and grounded furniture paired with movable furniture is the best outdoor combination. I have a table that I can move and use for a drink table, desserts or whatever when they are needed for a larger group. Actually, I have several folding table that I used all the time for my monthly parties/picnics/gatherings that I had for two years.

    A folding table and folding chairs can be put in your vehicle to make any place you go a picnic with no sitting on the ground.

    1. I like the way you think. Thanks for this. And you're so right, it could even be used in conjunction with other more permanent (or immovable) pieces. Cool! Thanks!


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