
Saturday, March 25, 2017


Today is another day of playing in the dirt!

This picture looks funny because the beds don't "LOOK" done, but it was the only picture I had from this angle since I started planting last weekend, ha.  So the front two beds are done and the large one is almost done.  Next I have to plant the squash bed, some okra, and hope to get the cucumbers in if I can get the trellis set up (it's a red coated metal like the others but this will be the first time I've used it). 

We had rains overnight so I'm not sure how wet it will be out there.  I mowed last weekend (need to post pics of that) so I'm hoping it's an "off weekend" for having to mow.  

My other goal today is to start getting the flower beds ready  for some soil and flowers.  If I can get them ready this weekend, I can bring out soil and plants and seeds next weekend.  Got to get as much done before the rainy weekends start, which is usually April/May.  

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Have fun. I find playing in the dirt remarkably therapeutic and when it is light (in a couple of hours) I plan to get out there. Housework be damned. The garden's siren call is louder.

    1. Ah, the siren call of the garden. I hear it every day at work but have to wait for the weekends. I love it. It's so peaceful and takes us back to an earlier time.

  2. Great job once again. it will be fantastic AT HIGH SEASON! Rain here the last few days so not much getting done beside animal chores, but it does give us time to plan. We'll have three large garden spots, crazy folks that we are.

    1. I can't wait. Sorry about the rain but we all need it. And the aquifers are getting full and the stock ponds and the trees get deep watering, it's all good in the end. Can't wait to see your gardens!!

  3. Looks good what you have gotten done so far.
    Wishing you a great bounty of veggies this season.
    I do have a couple pepper plants that in bloom and picked just 3 more strawberries yesterday.
    Yesterday (Sat.) was perfect day for working outside. In fact the back of my neck is a little pink along with the tops of my ears.
    Hope you had a fun and profitable day.
    Can't wait to see your flower beds when they get in bloom. I'm sure it's going to be lovely.
    Enjoy your day today.

    1. Thank you for that! Yep, it was a good day and I'm a bit pink on my arms and back. I was wearing shorts and the back of my legs are pink too. Pics coming soon!

  4. 2nd Man; (slapping my forehead on this end) Happy Belated Birthday. Can't believe that your birthday has come and gone already. Hope you had a good one.

    1st Man; while I'm here I'm wishing you a Very Happy Birthday as well, just a tad early. Enjoy your special day.

    1. Thank you!!! I was going to blog about it but meh, it's just another day and it seems weird to mention it's my birthday. We love it though when special people such as you remember! That's so sweet. Thanks!!!

  5. 1st Man - FYI

    1. WOW. I don't know how I missed this. Thank you SO much. Very scary article.

  6. Looking good! I can't wait to see your cucumber trellis. I just planted mine next to a chain-link fence - it worked well last year.
    A suggestion: you could plant some green beans in the TBD garden bed. They produce very well and you'll get several abundant harvests - you can freeze the extras. For a different color, you could plant some yellow wax beans - the green and yellow look pretty in a dish.

    1. It's a red (of course, ha) metal grid that goes at an angle and I've got two plants planted at the base that will grow up in and then the cukes dangle down through it. Update with pics on that Tuesday. Hope it works, it's our first time too.


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